What is your most rare vintage home computer?
category: offtopic [glöplog]
oooooh Enterprise <3
iBook G4

Well, its not really a home computer, but so fucking rare that its even affordable because its so unknown. Here's a pic from behind! :D
A CBM8296 is floating around in our loft somewhere.

Commodore CBM 8032

where I coded my first "Hello World"-program when I was 4 years old (and coding skills didn't get any better..)

where I coded my first "Hello World"-program when I was 4 years old (and coding skills didn't get any better..)
A c116.
The MC-10
which was the retarded younger brother of the TRS-80! I still got it and it still freakin works! I have the cassette module for it but it doesn't work all that well... like... at all really.
which was the retarded younger brother of the TRS-80! I still got it and it still freakin works! I have the cassette module for it but it doesn't work all that well... like... at all really.
a big z80 development system thingie called Datasomething. I save it just for the rom-writer and the enormous lit-up "boot" button (yes it says boot).

wow, that's the coolest spectrum ever! backstory, plz
... The backstory is that i got it from Fierman, who got it from Raver/Phantasia (iirc..) - who is from latvia and often visits Russia to get old comps. At the X2004 i got it, in exchange for a rare REU for the c64. (the casing is metal (!), yellow is spelled 'Vellow' to name a few nice features.)
Fact is - i have no clue what it was used for back then, i know for sure it's from Russia... But i love to think it was used by the KGB for highly secret missions with rockets, agents and astronauts.
Anyone who has more info - please post it here or mail me.
Fact is - i have no clue what it was used for back then, i know for sure it's from Russia... But i love to think it was used by the KGB for highly secret missions with rockets, agents and astronauts.
Anyone who has more info - please post it here or mail me.
Not sure which one in my collection would have to be the rarest. Maybe my Amiga 1000, but probably it's the Atari 800 (at least here in Europe).
A "Multifunktionales Telefon" by the "Deutsche Post" (btx-terminal from '87).
Sadly, it has been rewired for supporting an external video source: now the shift-button switches "internal software" and "external source", which makes it even more unusable than it is by default.

Sadly, it has been rewired for supporting an external video source: now the shift-button switches "internal software" and "external source", which makes it even more unusable than it is by default.

This Atari400 here is still avaiable at this moment. ;)
I've seen that somewhere! :O
Got an Atari 600XL and an 800 lying around somewhere. You also don't see Atari 7800's too often here in Switzerland.
a somehow old texas instrument laptop from then nineties
not especially rare but a nice portable i found some years ago in a shop for 1 eur:

c64c, i guess it's more rare than my c64
boxed with styrofoam and all MSX-1 by toshiba... still brand fucking new and working and everything.
(if anyone's intrested, let me know)
(if anyone's intrested, let me know)
avoozl: sweet, i have a similar one at home

it's a 286 but it doesnt boot up anymore cos the CMOS battery is low and we cant find it where it is on the mobo :O

it's a 286 but it doesnt boot up anymore cos the CMOS battery is low and we cant find it where it is on the mobo :O

Not mine, but they are rare Russian MSX machines used in schools:
Yamaha YIS503, YIS503II, YIS503III
There's a lot of them on eBay , in case you have money to burn ;)
Yamaha YIS503, YIS503II, YIS503III
There's a lot of them on eBay , in case you have money to burn ;)