Moerder information 140 glöps

contributions to prods 11 prods (151 thumbs up, 8 thumbs down) [show all]
- 2011 32k Atari 7800 nyan7800 by Vantage [web] [Code]
- 2011 4k procedural graphics Windows sth by Vantage [web] [Code]
- 2011 4k procedural graphics Gameboy Advance Lost Marbles by Vantage [web] [Code]
- 2010 procedural graphics Windows Code Recycling by Vantage [web] [Code]
- 2004 demo Atari VCS 2600 by Vantage [web] & .cortex. [Code]
- 2003 invitation Gameboy Advance Buenzli 12 Invitation by Vantage [web] [Code]
- 2003 intro Gameboy Advance b-l-a by Vantage [web] [Code]
- 2001 intro Windows toxic intro by Vantage [web] [Code]
- 2001 demo Windows Wuerfeltrauma by Vantage [web] [Code]
- 2001 64k Windows kaffepaus by Vantage [web] [Code]
prods added 3 x 2 = 6 glöps [show]
screenshots added 4 glöps [show]
nfos added 9 glöps [show]
requests made 41 requests, 31 glöps
oneliners posted 65 oneliners [show]
bbs topics opened 1 topics [show]
bbs posts 182 posts [show]
account created on the 2001-04-18 18:18:46