nosfe information 3947 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: pilvari
- last name: pirtola
- portals:
- slengpung: pictures
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Saint by Halcyon & Da Jormas [web]
- cdc #2: x14 by orange
- cdc #3: haitta by Flo [web]
- cdc #4: Give me Future or Give me Death by Inward [web]
- cdc #5: Ballad of a Cluster Bomb - Director's Cut by Kooma
- cdc #6: Monstra Kosa by Satori [web]
contributions to prods 182 prods (1698 thumbs up, 914 thumbs down)
- wild Wild Burned Seconds by Nosfe [web] [visual,audio]
- wild Wild Pala Riikka Pala [visual,audio]
- demo JavaScript AK-19 Procrastination by AateKorjaamo & Jumalauta [web] [music]
- wild Animation/Video AK-17: Cherrypicking by AateKorjaamo [video,audio]
- wild Animation/Video Potilas #1 DanceMix by Lutkajumala [video]
- wild Wild from the river to the sea by Nosfe [web] [music,video]
- demo JavaScript AK-14: BASIC SENSE OF SECURITY by AateKorjaamo & Jumalauta [web] [music]
- wild Animation/Video RGB experiment #001 by Nosfe [web] [visual,audio]
- demo Windows H40.1133 by ajna [music]
- demo JavaScript AK-12: THERMODYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM by AateKorjaamo [music]
- demo JavaScript AK-11: Ignored by AateKorjaamo & Jumalauta [web] [music, graphics]
- wild Animation/Video Järviradio Live [music]
- demo JavaScript AK-09: Meaning? by AateKorjaamo [audio]
- wild Animation/Video the most violent element in society is ignorance by Nosfe [web] [audio,video]
- wild Animation/Video Direct action is, ultimately, the defiant insistence on acting as if one is already free by Nosfe [web] [audio,video]
- demo JavaScript AK-08: Toisto by AateKorjaamo [music]
- wild Animation/Video Dreams of Destiny Remix by Nosfe [web] [audio,video]
- demo Windows AK-07: In Vitro by AateKorjaamo [music]
- wild Animation/Video f40 by Nosfe [web] [audio,video]
- demo JavaScript AK-06: Piece of Mind by AateKorjaamo [music]
- demo JavaScript AK-05: Deadline Driven Development by Paraguay & AateKorjaamo [Music]
- demo Windows AK-04: Blood Bath by AateKorjaamo [music]
- demo JavaScript AK-03: Hypertension by AateKorjaamo [Music, direction]
- demo JavaScript AK-02: Rorschach test #01 by AateKorjaamo [music, direction]
- demo Windows Subtle Body by Experimental Graphics Research Group & Grey Park [web] [music]
- wild Animation/Video time is beneath us by Nosfe [web] [audio,video]
- demo JavaScript AK-01: Pareidolia by AateKorjaamo [music, direction]
- invitation JavaScript Enter the Vortex by Jumalauta [web] [music, voice]
- wild Animation/Video remember the light - believe the light by Nosfe [web] [Visuals, direction, music]
- demo Windows Java f14.25 by Flo [web] [Music, graphics]
- wild Animation/Video joskus vähän janottaa by Flo [web] [acting]
- wild Animation/Video Compofiller -30000 by Jumalauta [web] [Video]
- wild Animation/Video fxx.x by Nosfe [web] [Video]
- wild Animation/Video white lines by Flo [web] [Video]
- demo
deep in my heart by Flo [web] [help]
- wild Animation/Video Better life through demoscene by Jumalauta [web] [Script, filming]
- demo Commodore 64 Finnish Amiga Party 2013 Invitation [text]
- demo Windows viekää minut pois kalliosta by Bilotrip [web] & Flo [web] [Graphics (visuals), Other (text)]
- wild Animation/Video everything will pass and the world will perish by Nosfe [web] [Other (Video & sound)]
- wild Animation/Video the only thing that's permanent is destruction by Nosfe [web] [Other (Video & sound)]
- demo Windows f22.0 by Flo [web] [Other (design, domination, beer supply)]
- demo Windows Salmiakki transmission by Fecal Faced Martians [Graphics]
- demo Amiga OCS/ECS the end by Trilobit [web] & Flo [web] [Other (text), Other (photos)]
- wild Wild Amiga - taivaan porteilla [Other (Video, Acting)]
- wild Wild eytwtbs by Nosfe [web] [Other (Video & sound)]
- demo Linux Windows Lauantai aamun krapula by Anciat Productionz & Tecnic Software Productions [web] [Other]
- musicdisk Windows Forty Five Degrees by Those Up Fucked Sceners [web] [Music]
- game Windows Denatura by ISO [Graphics (video)]
- demo Windows Variform 2 by Kewlers [web] [music]
- wild Wild black sun falling by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- dentro Windows vote for me (i wanna win the saatchi competition) by Nosfe [web] [Other (osdm)]
- wild Animation/Video If night has fallen, sleep well. the rest is silence, secrets now by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video this is a journey we must take by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Wild power noise by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Wild cartrip by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- demo Windows MacOSX Intel bravo india tango sierra charlie lima uniform bravo by Bilotrip [web] [Music]
- demo Amiga AGA Enemy Of Referee by Ephidrena & Grey Park [web] [Music]
- 40k Amiga AGA fap40k by Damones [web] & Accession [Code]
- wild Animation/Video Planetrip by Grey Park [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Wild need by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Wild future is a machine by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- demo Windows catharsis by mfx [web] [Graphics, visuals]
- demo Windows Bad News by Kooma [sound]
- demo Windows Ultramagnetic by mfx [web] & Flo [web] [Graphics]
- wild Animation/Video i feel hundred years old by Flo [web] & Grey Park [web] [Graphics (video)]
- invitation wild Animation/Video GeekCamp IV Invitation by Accession [Graphics (editing)]
- demo Windows Xenocrates by Panasqnic [Music]
- demo Windows the world must burn by Flo [web] [Graphics (video)]
- demo Gameboy Advance My Strange Passion For Leather by Lord Graga & Nosfe [web] [Music]
- demo Windows Cognoscere by mfx [web] [Graphics (visuals)]
- wild Animation/Video forssa by Nosfe [web] & Grey Park [web] [Graphics (video)]
- liveact wild Wild 12 years to bethlehem by mfx [web] [ambience]
- demo Windows cannapaceus by mfx [web] [Graphics (visuals)]
- wild Animation/Video tripboat by Grey Park [web] & Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Wild necrobiosis by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video Galaxy Zero by GlenZ [web] & Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video nekrotorment by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video r-q-m by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video finlandia by Nosfe [web] & Flo [web] [Other (unknown)]
- demo Windows ampd by Flo [web] [Music]
- wild Animation/Video huar by Nosfe [web] [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video boozembly 2007 invitation by Accession [Graphics (video)]
- wild Wild This could be boring after a while by mfx [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- demo Windows iSO from Finland by ISO [Other (unknown)]
- demo Windows Megademo 2006 by Finnish Amiga Group [web] & Damones [web] [Other (something)]
- wild Animation/Video Itämeri by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- demo Windows Katharsis by Traction [web] & Grey Park [web] [Music]
- wild Animation/Video AgonyTorment by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (visuals)]
- demo Windows Smacking your scrotum with OliveBranch(TM) by Boozoholics [web] [Music]
- demo Windows jmagic on kiva 81 by ISO [Other (unknown)]
- demo Windows ydintuhoremixedandfixed by ISO [Other (unknown)]
- demo Windows rujo by ISO [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video no hurry by Nosfe [web] [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video gggglatch by Nosfe [web] [Other (unknown)]
- demo Windows it's been a while since i last time tried to remember what you have seen by Flo [web] [Music]
- wild Animation/Video ...and capitalism brought us peace by Nosfe [web] & Grey Park [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video ADD by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (visuals)]
- wild Animation/Video lentoministeri by ISO [Graphics (video)]
- demo Windows krie666 by ISO [Other (unknown)]
- demo Windows ydintuho - 20v chernobylistä by ISO [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video unofficial altstork invitation by ISO [Graphics (video)]
- demo Windows agna by Minimalartifact [web] [Music]
- wild Animation/Video too wasted to think of a name by Finnish Amiga Group [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video prospero ano nuevo by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video rushhour by Grey Park [web] & Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild
lines by Nosfe [web] [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video Aurora Borealis by Hirmu [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video Cleaning Dentro by Hirmu [Other (edit)]
- wild Animation/Video bzm=10y by Accession [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video kasvaa by Nosfe [web] [Other (Video)]
- wild Animation/Video this is our breakingpoint by Nosfe [web] & Suomiskene [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video you need to listen. by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild
bloodbath by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video if i could trade this ache for indifference by Nosfe [web] [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video Grey Park - 10924m by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- demo Windows theosis by mfx [web] [Music]
- wild Animation/Video rauha^2 by Nosfe [web] [Other (video)]
- demo MacOSX PPC megademo 2004 by Finnish Amiga Group [web] [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video happy bday marius by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video enjoy the silence by Nosfe [web] [Other (Unknown)]
- wild Wild infinity^2 by Nosfe [web] [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video 110 - all cities under fire will not fall by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video I will fill you with my love by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- demo Windows Kinder Liebe 15 by Finnish Amiga Group [web] [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video the ass of britelite by Virtual Light Pump [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video My Great Movie by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- demo Windows i took (all the other pills) by Flo [web] [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video harmi by Nosfe [web] [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video REVOLT! by Nosfe [web] & Virtual Light Pump [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video Poikkeuksellista kokkausta by PNMF! & Nosfe [web] [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video fear and love in helsinki by Nosfe [web] [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video Molotov mainos by mfx [web] [Other (camera & edit)]
- wild Animation/Video atari burns by Finnish Amiga Group [web] [Other (editing)]
- demo Amiga AGA Megademo 2003 by Finnish Amiga Group [web] [Code]
- 64k Windows touching you with noise by Flo [web] [Other]
- wild Animation/Video destroy all beauty by Nosfe [web] & Virtual Light Pump [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video Invitation to alternative party 2023 by Nosfe [web] & Virtual Light Pump [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video tavallinen päivä kuvataideakatemiassa by Nosfe [web] [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video lovecraft died at an early age by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video blue season by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video nosfe-elokuva by Nosfe [web] [Other (unknown)]
- wild Animation/Video milk is a threat to mankind by PNMF! [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video we live alone we die alone (remix) by Nosfe [web] [Other (unknown)]
- invitation MS-Dos/gus cccp - Altparty IV invitation intro by Neuvostoliitto [Code]
- wild Animation/Video Altparty IV Invitation Video by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- demo MS-Dos Megademo 2002 by Tsygä [web] & Virtual Light Pump [web] [Code]
- demo Windows Mother, Mother my ears bleed by mfx [web] [Music]
- wild Animation/Video unvollkommene tiere by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video heikotus by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video the duck by mfx [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video b.a.t.j.i. by mfx [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- demo Linux Windows the surge by mfx [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video Suspicion Breeds Confidence - Botanist's Endorphine Identity by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video Tukehduin by PNMF! [Graphics (video)]
- demo Linux Space Cadet by mfx [web] [Music]
- 4k Linux Solaris helsinki-spiegelberg by Tsygä [web] [Music]
- wild Animation/Video Baradelan - Somnolence And Shivers by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video to brainwash the mind is a social disorder by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- 64k Linux fortnight by mfx [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video steel by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video Alternative Party III Invitation by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video kupla by Virtual Light Pump [web] & mfx [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video *(infinity) by Virtual Light Pump [web] & mfx [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video minulleko by Virtual Light Pump [web] & mfx [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video static by Virtual Light Pump [web] & mfx [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video brainfusk by mfx [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video jälki by Virtual Light Pump [web] & mfx [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video trail of friendly places by Virtual Light Pump [web] & mfx [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- demo MS-Dos test3d by Suomiskene [Other]
- wild Animation/Video b.a.t.c by mfx [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video they fed me well but it was still a prison by mfx [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video the future of future futurez by mfx [web] [Graphics (video)]
- wild Animation/Video back to italy by mfx [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video pako (finnish) by Virtual Light Pump [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- wild Animation/Video pako_eng by Virtual Light Pump [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- demo MS-Dos Mekka Experience by Virtual Light Pump [web] [Code]
- demo MS-Dos Helsinki-Heinola by Tsygä [web] [Code]
- demo MS-Dos Helsinki-Lohja 2001 by Tsygä [web] [code]
- demo MS-Dos reutrmix by Virtual Light Pump [web] [Code]
- wild Animation/Video nanni by Nosfe [web] [Graphics (video), Music]
- demo MS-Dos The Return of VLP by Virtual Light Pump [web] [Code]
- musicdisk MS-Dos Tales From The Past by Virtual Light Pump [web] [Code]
account created on the 2001-04-23 22:58:17