psenough information 10355 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Filipe
- last name: Cruz
- portals:
- demozoo: profile
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Hyperventilation by Byterapers [web]
- cdc #2: deesbab by orange
- cdc #3: Megablast by orange
- cdc #4: a deepness in the sky by mfx [web]
- cdc #5: fake elektronik lightshow by Ephidrena
- cdc #6: migracija by kosmoplovci [web]
- cdc #7: zebra by Pas Maters [web]
- cdc #8: i'am the seed by CyberPunks Unity [web] & Inward [web]
prods added 1322 x 2 = 2644 glöps
- wild Wild Mad PC Freak
- wild Wild Damn Power Failure
- wild Wild Battle of O.S. by Big Scary Agency [web]
- wild Wild KopyDemo
- wild Wild krawallball by T$ [web]
- wild Wild fleurs hallot by The Planet Of Leather Moomins [web] & 5711 [web]
- demo Playstation The Phantom Demo
- wild Wild Ask Bob
- wild Wild Carpathia
- game Playstation Hover Boarding 3D by PSX-Anarchists
- demo Playstation Angelic by Napalm
- demo Playstation Jazz by The Zirconium Team [web]
- demo MS-Dos Shades of Reality by Systematik Dream Korp.
- 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Nukem! by Base!
- 40k Amiga OCS/ECS Symbiostro by Cadaver
- wild Animation/Video quad by kosmoplovci [web]
- game Wild dj pong by Die Wissenden [web]
- 64k Amiga OCS/ECS Ketchup by The Beerz
- 64k Amiga AGA Randomized Sheep by Loonies [web]
- demo Amiga AGA Faggot by Cromatics
- demopack diskmag Amiga AGA Avatar 8 by Illi Recentes ImperatoreS
- dentro Amiga AGA teloegge mae foesdaen by Unique
- 40k Amiga AGA Skalpel by Cute
- 40k Amiga AGA Rouge by Copy and Paste Productions
- 40k Amiga AGA sheep recognizer by Loonies [web]
- 40k Amiga AGA sheep dictionary by Loonies [web]
- demo Amiga AGA Is by Unique
- demo Windows halfsome by Carillon & Cyberiad [web] & Fairlight [web]
- intro Amiga OCS/ECS raf-party91 by Jetset
- musicdisk Amiga OCS/ECS pack van pee #3 by Jetset
- musicdisk Amiga OCS/ECS pack van pee #1 by Jetset
- 64k Amiga AGA Japani by Kanisteri
- demo MS-Dos absolute havoc by Extreme Command & Syntax Terror
- demo MS-Dos Only Bumpmap by Terrordrome
- demo MS-Dos/gus Invasion by Fakiiri?
- 64k MS-Dos Hirvi Hamas by woorlic [web]
- demo Amiga AGA Turkoosi Aprikoosi Pieni Sieni by Kinky Productions
- demo Amiga AGA massiivinen fallos by Kinky Productions
- demo Amiga AGA mameybay by Kinky Productions
- intro Amiga AGA lutkaintro2 by Kinky Productions
- demo Amiga AGA hampunryosto by Kinky Productions
- demo Amiga AGA Nakki by Kinky Productions
- demo Amiga AGA gspot3 by Kinky Productions
- musicdisk Amiga AGA Coffee Shop #4 by Kinky Productions
- musicdisk Amiga AGA Coffee Shop #1 by Kinky Productions
- intro Amiga AGA Anaali intro (anaeti) by Kinky Productions
- 40k Amiga AGA 1st intro by Kinky Productions
- 64k MS-Dos Acid by Suspend [web]
- dentro Amiga AGA 242dl75 by Rage [web]
- 64b MS-Dos Tyniest FIRE by WiseFox
account created on the 2000-09-09 22:44:56