#535 information 772 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: fr-037: the code inside by mfx [web] & Farbrausch [web]
- cdc #2: 1995 by Kewlers [web] & mfx [web]
- cdc #3: nano by Kakiarts [web]
- cdc #4: blockparty 2008 invitation by Trailer Park Demos [web]
- 64k Windows Panic Room by Fairlight [web]
- I have just watched a video... This intro totally rocks!
- rulezadded on the 2008-08-31 14:19:29
- 4k Windows Kybernetic by Still [web]
- Got only black screen and some text here (radeon x1950) =(
But thumb up goes for the music - rulezadded on the 2008-08-28 23:23:35
- 4k Windows Solitude by Unknown Artists [web]
- rulezadded on the 2008-08-28 23:18:22
- 4k Windows Astra by AxON
- rulezadded on the 2008-08-28 15:20:11
- demo Windows FreeFall by Trailer Park Demos [web]
- Nice and clean demo.
- rulezadded on the 2008-08-28 15:16:31
- 4k Windows Statics by Traction [web]
- Music is so fuckung awesome! Can you, please, upload a soundtrack?
- rulezadded on the 2008-08-28 14:30:39
- 4k Windows receptor by TBC
- Incredible.
- rulezadded on the 2008-08-28 14:11:58
- 512b Windows 512b Domination by Northern Dragons [web]
- rulezadded on the 2008-08-27 23:54:28
- demo Windows Biocore by eXtrait [web]
- sucksadded on the 2008-08-27 23:49:42
- 4k Windows Eco by Trailer Park Demos [web]
- Love it!
- rulezadded on the 2008-08-27 23:49:19
account created on the 2007-02-01 15:26:21