doomdoom information 175 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Victor
- last name: Von Doom
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Vi Elsker Darkhawk by Depth [web]
- cdc #2: StarCraft 2 cracktro by Razor 1911 [web]
- 4k procedural graphics Windows Smoking Kills by Loonies [web]
- Quote:
it's not like you could choose to go to a smoke-free place, they didn't really exist
So what you're saying is, you're a tiny little fringe group, so insignificant that the market couldn't provide you with a single smoke-free place to get drunk. Alright. So let's change the entire market by law so it suits you and your little fringe group better. Never mind the overwhelming majority of people who created the demand for smoking establishments. I mean, fuck what most people want as long as you can have what you want, right? And fuck all the people who lose their jobs because the policies you're forcing their businesses to adopt aren't profitable. And fuck all the principles of liberal democracy while we're at it - why should people be allowed to choose what sort of business they run anyway, whose silly idea was that?
No no, really, I like this way of thinking. Because you see, I absolutely hate loud music in pubs. Really, I hate that it's impossible to find a drinking establishment where I can go and talk to people. And all that loud music can't be good for my health either. And if I should ever happen to find a quiet pub, you know, my friends probably don't want to go there. They actually like loud music, see. Some of them even dance, and I definitely don't want to go dancing with them. So since I have no other options...
.. ah but, no, as much I'd love to advocate a mandatory no-music policy, I'm just not enough of a selfish prick. Can you teach me? :(
Quote:you're sure to find some people in the group smoke so you end up in the smoking part.
Oh. See I thought you said you didn't have a choice. But now I understand - the problem is rather that you do have a choice and so do your friends, but your friends don't choose what you want them to choose. Ah, in that case, ignore the sarcasm above and try this sarcasm instead: what a good friend you are. I'm sure your mates are delighted that you're helping to strip them of their liberties so they can enjoy the benefit of your company.
Quote:but you go to the pub to drink
Well, I believe the function of a business was traditionally decided by the owners of that business, but that was of course a long time ago. I think it's good that as you say the purpose of a pub doesn't include loud music, cause that will help me in my campaign to have music banned. I only need to learn to prioritise my own comfort above the rights and wishes of my friends and the majority of all other people. That's a little hard for me because I have a conscience, but you'll help me with that, won't you? - isokadded on the 2009-07-29 20:53:28
- 4k procedural graphics Windows Smoking Kills by Loonies [web]
- iq: The smoking ban isn't about the right to smoke in public. Public open spaces are open to debate (although I'd argue you're being too touchy), but it's the one place that isn't affected by the ban that the symbol in question represents. Whereas private establishments, where non-smokers could completely protect themselves from this ambush you're describing by simply staying away, that's where the policy applies. If you think that's not insane enough, look into the reasons why healthier, less annoying alternatives to cigarettes are being banned altogether in many countries.
- isokadded on the 2009-07-29 14:04:33
- 4k procedural graphics Windows Smoking Kills by Loonies [web]
- Quote:
I get into the pub and wish to leave the place as soon as I can but it doesn't happen just because half of my friends are smokers and I can't just leave the place or send my friends outside in the cold
Uhm, so it's OK to force your friends to change their habits just so you can be comfortable around them? "can't just leave the place". Right, cause you have to be around your friends, so naturally they have to go out of their way to make you comfortable. And if they don't then let the police deal with them! Maybe you should look up the definition of "friend" somewhere.
Quote:alcohol doesn't smell so bad
That's not the point. Drunk people are dangerous (far moreso than passive smoking), not to mention loud and obnoxious (to me at least, far moreso than passive smoking). They can be properly disgusting lowlives sometimes - scary, smelly, aggressive, embarrassing. Personally I don't mind, but I know people who are genuinely upset by drunken behaviour and I understand them perfectly well. But you know what they do? They make sure not to hang around in places that serve alcohol.
I find homophobia less understandable, but I can accept that some people simply can't watch two men kissing, say. I assure you that there are people every bit as disgusted by that as you are by tobacco smoke. But you know what they do? They stay away from gay establishments. It's simple when you think about it.
Quote:and you couldn't avoid it anywhere you go.
Of course you could. We gave you almost all public buildings and all public transport. We didn't even really complain, cause it's only fair, right? And in the private sector there were plenty of smoke-free establishments. You had everywhere to go. But naturally your smoking friends would much prefer to go to some of those few remaining places they could still light up. Solution? Ban smoking fucking everywhere! Now your friends have to go out with you on your terms. Arrhahahahaha!
And rtype is right, it sets a terrifying precedent. All you people so happy that you managed to bully your friends into making you more comfortable, you'll see something banned soon enough that you liked, and it'll make you sad. I'll be the first to rub it in your faces with inappropriate procedural graphics. :P - isokadded on the 2009-07-24 15:29:23
- 4k procedural graphics Windows Smoking Kills by Loonies [web]
- iq: So, if I found drunk people really annoying, disgusting and dangerous (which they are), yet I liked hanging out in pubs because of the ambience, should I try to have alcohol banned from pubs? Would that be reasonable in any way? If I found homosexuality disgusting, should I demand that gay clubs and bars be turned into regular clubs and bars so I could go there without feeling sick? .. etc.
You have every right to be angry with smokers who disrespect you. That's fine. Fart in their faces if you like, that's very poetic. But you can't treat anywhere you go as your private property. Pubs, bars and clubs have certain policies, like, beer costs a certain amount of money, you can't bring your own drinks, sometimes there are dress codes, until recently smoking was generally allowed, etc. And you can't just demand that those policies you don't like are changed so they suit you better. That's not how it works. You can, however (unless you're part of a tiny little insignificant niche group) find some other establishment that caters to people like you. - isokadded on the 2009-07-24 01:45:19
- 4k procedural graphics Windows Smoking Kills by Loonies [web]
- Blueberry: It would have been uncontroversial before the smoking bans. Today it looks like a thumbs up to nonsensical, oppressive legislation and the BS arguments behind it. Sure smoking is horrible, but there's a categorical difference between banning tobacco in places where other people have to be (like say hospitals or schools), and places where other people could just decide not to be (like a given pub or other private establishment). If any significant number of people wanted a smoke-free environment to drink poison (the irony is subtle, isn't it), then that's a business opportunity right there! Why not be the first to open one of these smoke-free pubs? In fact open a whole chain of them if they're really in such high demand, make millions!
But the supporters of the legislation don't really want smoke-free establishments - because they could have had those decades ago. They simply want it their way, on their terms, anywhere they go and whoever else might be there too. And because democracy is the worst form of government (except for all the others) and politicians are opportunistic bastards, sometimes the bad guys win. That's what the symbol stands for. So it's not quite a swastika, but when it's used as a symbol in some artistic context of course it provokes a reaction.
Eh, sorry for polluting the comments. But I'll make up for it with constructive criticism: If it had been a smoking-allowed symbol made up of little skulls rather than a no-smoking sign, it wouldn't have been controversial. - isokadded on the 2009-07-22 21:21:17
- 4k procedural graphics Windows Patter by Illi Recentes ImperatoreS
- loady: It's not a gradient mesh, no. It's a lot more more like diffusion curves. Just not quite the same approach. I only skimmed it, mind, but in the paper farfar linked to it looks like the diffusion is done by solving a discrete Poisson equation where pixels close to the curve make up prescribed nodes. I used heavily quantised b-splines as the base and a less elegant ray-marching-ish method for the diffusion.
But I am looking at doing something new with gradient meshes of a sort. - isokadded on the 2009-07-20 22:08:17
- 4k procedural graphics Windows Smoking Kills by Loonies [web]
- What rtype said. Hope this doesn't make me look like a bastard. ;)
- isokadded on the 2009-07-20 18:12:08
- 4k procedural graphics Windows Patter by Illi Recentes ImperatoreS
- Yes, the torso is cunningly packed spline data with gradients, rendered in a way that achieves the same style of interpolation as diffusion curves. It's more of an explicit rendering than a sparse linear system solver, though, but the end result is pretty much the same. There's also some layered composition going on.
The spheres and plant/tentacle things are just simple procedural junk to fill up the last kilobyte. I could have used the space for antialiasing, but birds. - isokadded on the 2009-07-20 12:16:00
- demo Windows Rupture by Andromeda Software Development [web]
- Glad I'm not alone in thinking the guitars were misplaced and the "plot" was.. well.. But I guess I'm the only one who didn't find the visuals and direction all that amazing. Hm.
- isokadded on the 2009-04-30 12:39:37
- demo Amiga AGA Atari Falcon 030 Silkcut by The Black Lotus [web]
- Hrmf
- rulezadded on the 2009-04-20 12:55:16
account created on the 2006-03-31 19:48:11