Where does one go now TPB is down?
category: residue [glöplog]
Or is it "illegal" to talk about it?
TPB just made a comeback wtf are you talking about
You mean The Pimp Brigade, don't you?
Obviously, duh?
So it's not illegal, but I'm just reisdued as always? What kind of a game is this? Can't you just say that you hate me?
i prefer Excess over TPB.. they show more muscle!
You mean The Pimp Brigade, don't you?
Umm, isohunt, monova kickass. Dude the list really is literally endless.
Any way all they'll do (as they've done before) is change the suffix part of their address - google them and you should be able to find the new host or at least a live mirror.
Any way all they'll do (as they've done before) is change the suffix part of their address - google them and you should be able to find the new host or at least a live mirror.

on va enculler ton RGB!
Legal sources?
Holy shit, isohunt is still around? They had so many problems and started censoring the site for americans and required the use of a proxy and then I remember at some point even the proxy made no difference and I gave up and started using KAT.
torrentz.com and such aggregators
If you must torrent, stick to private trackers.
Wizard: It's residue because it has nothing to do wirh the demoscene which is what this site is all about - wrong forum for your request.
proxima centauri
Can't you just say that you hate me?
How can someone hate nothing? That's physically impossible.
If you must torrent, stick to private trackers.
Now what was it you need from me to sign up? A drop of my first-born's blood, my great, great, great grandmothers maiden name and um... 5 shekels from the coffers of the temple of Ishtar.
Cool. Give us a minute...
Any way all they'll do (as they've done before) is change the suffix part of their address