AMD still didn't deliver the promised CPUs from Assembly 2006 (prices!!!)
category: general [glöplog]
What's the real bad thing after all :
- Parties in which you can win big prizes ?
I think not. That's not essential but is a real cherry on the cake.
- Sceners who only are motivated by wining big prizes ?
No. Everyone has his own reasons to be part of the Scene.
(Rez: telling Nytrik is such a money-whore shows that you don' know him so much)
- Party organizers claiming to have big prizes and not being able to get them to the winners ?
Unfortunately, I think yes.
- Parties in which you can win big prizes ?
I think not. That's not essential but is a real cherry on the cake.
- Sceners who only are motivated by wining big prizes ?
No. Everyone has his own reasons to be part of the Scene.
(Rez: telling Nytrik is such a money-whore shows that you don' know him so much)
- Party organizers claiming to have big prizes and not being able to get them to the winners ?
Unfortunately, I think yes.
J'allais oublier le point final qui résume bien les chemins tortueux du cerveau humain:
hahaha !
J'allais oublier le point final qui résume bien les chemins tortueux du cerveau humain:
* med ( has joined #vieuxcons
<med> ah
<med> tu pourrais me deban ?
<med> ca va maintenant j'ai compris
<med> un traitement sunhp quel honneur
<med> Keops_Eqx
<Keops_Eqx> ?
<Keops_Eqx> de quoi tu parles?
<med> je suis ban de demofr je te dis
<med> [18:02] #demofr unable to join channel (address is banned)
<Keops_Eqx> ah bon? bah c pas de moi
<Keops_Eqx> j'y suis meme pas en plus
<med> ah non
<med> ca serais qui a part toi ? j'y viens presque jamais en plus
<Keops_Eqx> je vois pas pkoi tu dis ca en plus, je t'ai vu arriver/partir sur le chan plein de fois
<Keops_Eqx> t'étais pas ban que je sache
<Keops_Eqx> aucune idée
<med> je sais pas ce que t'as dans la tete, tu es admin de demofr
<Keops_Eqx> sauf si je perds la boule j'ai pas mémoire d'avoir mis de ban
<med> bon je vois, je vais donc avoir la meme image que sunhp maintenant
<med> bon déjà que g une motivation zero pour la scene..
<Keops_Eqx> tu vas rien avoir du tout, je suis pas au courant des histoires désolé
<med> mais y a pas d'histoire
<med> c toi l'histoire
<med> tu m'as ban et chié dessus tu te rappel ?
<med> bref je pars avant que tu me ban là aussi
* med ( has left #vieuxcons
<Keops_Eqx> heu, j'ai rien demandé, commence pas, j'ai ban personne et j'ai attaqué personne, al
hahaha !
je pense que c'est bien facile de passer pour la petite victime et tu fais ça tres bien. Si tu prenais le temps de te relire je pense que tu trouverais tes propos tout autant agressif et blessant que les miens.
Nous avons travaillé enssemble pendant 4 ans, sache que vu de paris tu étais pas le plus facile, et certains en rigole encore, alors tes leçons tu peux également te les appliquer.
Tu ne sais rien de ce que je fais, ce que je suis "devenus" comme tu dis. Peut etre que je suis heureux, on sais pas.
Je suis passé ici pour raconter mon soucis avec le prix de la mainparty, et toi tu viens faire ton sheriff de l'espace. Faut pas t'ettonner si je te remet à ta place.
pareil adieu, et je te souhaite que du mal pour l'avenir tiens hop pour la route, passe pas le bonjour a ta bande d'amis d'elite qui meprise justement les petites party.
Nous avons travaillé enssemble pendant 4 ans, sache que vu de paris tu étais pas le plus facile, et certains en rigole encore, alors tes leçons tu peux également te les appliquer.
Tu ne sais rien de ce que je fais, ce que je suis "devenus" comme tu dis. Peut etre que je suis heureux, on sais pas.
Je suis passé ici pour raconter mon soucis avec le prix de la mainparty, et toi tu viens faire ton sheriff de l'espace. Faut pas t'ettonner si je te remet à ta place.
pareil adieu, et je te souhaite que du mal pour l'avenir tiens hop pour la route, passe pas le bonjour a ta bande d'amis d'elite qui meprise justement les petites party.
en plus kakaops bah lui il vient pas à la numerica... et ça c'est très vieux cons :D
@Willbe maybe rxx has a log about nytrick
kaneel: keops habite de l'autre côté de la planète alors c'est peut être légèrement compliqué pour lui de venir...
C'est charmant ces engueulades en public..
As for promised prizes, it's indeed a shame when winning a prize and never getting it. I was lucky to win a photoshop cs2 license at Main party 2006 and to sell it afterwards on ebay for a few hundred euros, it sure paid the train-trip and the hotel room in Marseilles.
But it feels really disgusting to see that some other participants (who also won something) didn't get the same treatment and are still waiting for their prize.
As for promised prizes, it's indeed a shame when winning a prize and never getting it. I was lucky to win a photoshop cs2 license at Main party 2006 and to sell it afterwards on ebay for a few hundred euros, it sure paid the train-trip and the hotel room in Marseilles.
But it feels really disgusting to see that some other participants (who also won something) didn't get the same treatment and are still waiting for their prize.
@rez: non mais moi jveux un mot du médecin, et après on vérifie avec un médecin scolaire, faut pas se foutre de moi j'ai éjà des sceners qui me font le coup des ragnagnas à chaque fois qu'on a piscine!!!
That's one ugly bitch.

Personnally i could present a demo on a no-price party, I wouldn't care a bit. When we arrived 2nd at the LTP4, I got a non-working GPU, and never complained.
Nevertheless this is a shame a major company like AMD is behaving like that. Organisers are fair, hang their banners, AMD should be fair too. Are they waiting for the CPUs to be obsolete ? They commited, they have to honor their commitments. winners being after prices or not, a commitment is a commitment.
Pour le reste, ça me rappelle que je ne vais plus aux bouffes démo sur Paris depuis une où je me suis barré avant la fin tellement mon voisin m'avait soulé avec sa parano.
Nevertheless this is a shame a major company like AMD is behaving like that. Organisers are fair, hang their banners, AMD should be fair too. Are they waiting for the CPUs to be obsolete ? They commited, they have to honor their commitments. winners being after prices or not, a commitment is a commitment.
Pour le reste, ça me rappelle que je ne vais plus aux bouffes démo sur Paris depuis une où je me suis barré avant la fin tellement mon voisin m'avait soulé avec sa parano.
So exactly how does winning a graphics card, or even a couple of thousand € mean anything anyway. It's all about world domination.
if i want to get profit(well actually just to _not_ make a loss) from a party i either try to sell records or collect bottles. both are a lot more profitabe timewise than doing prods.
the people who really are chasing the cash are definetly not in the scene anymore since doing a shitty cleaning job at mcdonalds will get you a lot more cash.
the people who really are chasing the cash are definetly not in the scene anymore since doing a shitty cleaning job at mcdonalds will get you a lot more cash.
@mars: et on mange quoi dans des bouffes démos?
C'était "Chez Papa", grosse salade landaise :)
Oh, and let me point out that AMD has delivered the prizes (save for Gasman's and that was our mistake, that one is going to the post next week).
Smash, thanks for the kind words about ASM compos. It means a lot to us.
We'll do our best to have better prizes next year (no thumbprint scanners, promise! :-)). There is still going to be a lot of hardware, but we'll make sure that no cheapo items are included.
As for HW compatibility between different HW sponsors donating prizes, we try that every year, but we don't always get the stuff we ask for. The AMD processors that were shipped late were switched to AM2 models so that the prize winners would get the latest and greatest stuff (thus they were incompatible with the HW handed out at ASM).
Smash, thanks for the kind words about ASM compos. It means a lot to us.
We'll do our best to have better prizes next year (no thumbprint scanners, promise! :-)). There is still going to be a lot of hardware, but we'll make sure that no cheapo items are included.
As for HW compatibility between different HW sponsors donating prizes, we try that every year, but we don't always get the stuff we ask for. The AMD processors that were shipped late were switched to AM2 models so that the prize winners would get the latest and greatest stuff (thus they were incompatible with the HW handed out at ASM).
My prize has arrived. W00t!
Just so you know.
Just so you know.
Det her er eddermame en fed tråd, flere der snakker hver deres endnu flottere og mere intellektuelle sprog tak .. det gør det helt vildt fedt! ... i er alle top-notch franskmænd..
- Hey .. it IS funnier to tell everyone something in your own stinking language ..
... i want delayed prizes too :(
- Hey .. it IS funnier to tell everyone something in your own stinking language ..
... i want delayed prizes too :(
Du kan få et rap af en kæp anders
Hahaha, ja, vi får se hvem der snakker det bedste løgsprog højest når SnapseTours 2007 ankommer til Bingen engang til foråret!