
type : platform :
type prodname platform group release party release date added rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
512b Java java mandelbrot Ricbit june 2006 june 2006 14 12 5 0.29
512b Atari ST TBC Bootsector The Boring Crew 5th at Outline 2006 june 2006 june 2006 3 2 9 -0.43
512b Atari ST Dildo Fatwa kills da Bootsekt0r Dildo Fatwa 4th at Outline 2006 june 2006 june 2006 3 3 5 -0.18
512b Atari ST The Bootshitctor KUA 3rd at Outline 2006 june 2006 june 2006 11 3 0 0.79
512b Atari ST terra Ribbon 2nd at Outline 2006 june 2006 june 2006 19 4 0 0.83
512b Atari ST Boot-Plasma X-Troll 1st at Outline 2006 june 2006 june 2006 24 1 0 0.96
512b MS-Dos Infinito, a little bit of. april 2006 april 2006 26 6 1 0.76
512b ZX Spectrum E6 auHc Siberian Group 1st at Chaos Constructions 2005 august 2005 september 2021 2 0 0 1.00
512b ZX Spectrum Matr!x Siberian Group 2nd at Chaos Constructions 2005 august 2005 september 2021 0 0 0 0.00
512b ZX Spectrum ircircle disqualified at Chaos Constructions 2005 august 2005 september 2021 1 0 0 1.00
512b JavaScript jsmosaic july 2005 july 2005 1 5 9 -0.53
512b Atari ST ooma Ribbon 1st at Outline 2005 march 2005 march 2005 21 1 0 0.95
512b Atari ST Lil' lame bootsector Paradize 6th at Outline 2005 march 2005 march 2005 1 4 0 0.20
512b Atari STe Psycho Bee KUA 4th at Outline 2005 march 2005 march 2005 4 4 0 0.50
512b Atari ST Keftales X-Troll 2nd at Outline 2005 march 2005 march 2005 13 1 1 0.80
512b Atari ST Logo X-Troll 5th at Outline 2005 march 2005 march 2005 5 1 0 0.83
512b Atari ST Scroller X-Troll 3rd at Outline 2005 march 2005 march 2005 8 0 0 1.00
512b MS-Dos telos Dila march 2005 march 2005 3 12 6 -0.14
512b ZX Spectrum Cool Shit Siberian Group 2nd at Chaos Constructions 2004 august 2004 july 2008 0 14 2 -0.12
512b ZX Spectrum PEGAS Antares 3rd at Chaos Constructions 2004 august 2004 july 2008 1 6 0 0.14
512b ZX Spectrum just another grass Triumph 1st at Chaos Constructions 2004 august 2004 july 2008 7 1 0 0.88
512b MS-Dos TinyTetris july 2004 january 2005 3 7 1 0.18
512b Atari ST TBC512_0 The Beasts Crew april 2004 april 2004 8 3 14 -0.24
512b MS-Dos fountain Brainwank 3rd at EFnet #asm compo 8 2004 march 2004 january 2005 1 7 1 0.00
512b MS-Dos entry2 5th at EFnet #asm compo 10 2004 2004 february 2017 1 0 0 1.00