
Coral Reef by Desire [web]

       C o r a l      R e e f


a 1024 bytes webGL Javascript Demo
coded for "eleMental" JS1k 2016

use of google chrome recommended!


Visuals : Elias Schütt
Music & Optimization : HellMood


online : 


The goal was to create a 1024 bytes
javascript demo, that runs in a
provided "shim" html file, which grants
equality amongst all webbrowsers and
a fair competition. 

Therefor, the resulting JS file, has
1023 bytes, but the html file, which
contains the "shim" plus the packed
JS, and which is not at all size
optimized, is much bigger.

We are planning to release a standalone
version as well, so please be patient =)


Thanks to Elias
   for this inspiring cooperation

Thanks to Siorki
   for his awesome RegPack Tool


Greets go to : 

homecoded, rrrola, frag, Baudsurfer,
Optimus, p01 Sensenstahl, Whizart,
g0blinish, Rudi, orbitaldecay,
igor, Drift, Oscar Toledo, wysiwtf, ryg

 ... and all DESiRE members =)



[email protected]