
ephemera by Approximate [web]

!ne7                                      _______ ____        ______                                                                                       .
   _______       ________            _____|     //__ /\       \    /_
   \      \ _____\__     \    _______\    |    /_\__ \ \    _/   ___/\
  /   ___  \\       \___  \___\      \\__   __//   /\_\/____\_   /__\_\____
 /    \_/   \ ___   /\_/  /   \  ___  \        \  / _\ \      \        /   \
\      /    / \_/  / ____/___  \ \_/   \  |    / /-/ \/   ___  _______/___  \
 \____/\___/ _____/  /    \_/___       /  |___/ / /   \   \_/   \_/    \_/__/_
 /   / //     /_____/          \______/---'/___//      \   /    /\           /
/___/\//_____/     / \____/     \     \  / \   /--/____/__/____/  \_________/
      /     /_____/  /   /_______\ ____\/ /_\__\  \    \  \\   \  /\        \
     /_____/       \/___/         \       \     \  \____\__\\___\/  \________\
                       /___________\       \_____\
   .                                                 +
                 .                                          *
          +                p   r   e   s   e   n   t               __/\__
    .                                                 .            \    /....
       _________                  __                               /_  _\  ::
      /        /\    ____    ___ /_/\    +                           \/    ::
     /        /__\__/   /__ /  /_\_\/____ __ ________    _______  ________ ::
     \  _____/ \  _    _   /      //    //  /\       \  /\      \/\       \ :
    /        //  //   //  /       /    //   /   ______\ /    __  \/  ____  \
   /   _____//  //   //  /   _   /    //   /   _____/_ /    /_/  /  /__ /   \
  \    \/     \ ~    ~  /   //   \    ~   \    \/     \    /    /      /    /
   \__________/    ____/___//    /   _____/\__________/   /____/\_____/____/
    \         /___/\   \   /____/___/\   / /        /____/    / /     /   / :
     \________\   \ \___\__\    \   \ \_/\/________/    /____/_/____//___/ ::
               \___\/       \____\___\/           /____/                   ::
     ......                                                                ::
  .. :   ::                                                        ........::
  :  :   :                                                         ::
  :..: ___/\                                                       ::
       \    \___            approximate > ephemera               /\:
        \      /                                             ___/  \____
        /     /                                              \         /
       /___  _\         f o r  s u n d o w n  2 0 0 9  !      \       /
           \/                                                 /__    _\
         :             ..................................        \  /
         ::                                                       \/ :
         ::::::::                                                    :: :::::
               ::                                                    :: :: ::
               ::                                                    ::    ::
             /\ :                                          :::::::   ::::::::
            /  \___          code: cryptic                 ::   ::
        ___/      /                                        ::   ::      ::
        \        /                                         ::           ::
         \       \           synth/music: meaty            :::::::::::::::
         /___  ___\         
             \/                                                 ::
            :                graphics/design: cryptic & velo    ::
            ::                                                  ::::::
            :::::::                                                 : /\
     ::::::      ::                                                  /  \__
     ::  ::      ::                                               __/     /  .
     ::          ::                                               \       \    .
     ::::::::::::::                                                \       \
                                                                   /___  ___\
         ::                                                            \/
         ::                                                           :
         ::                                                           ::
         ::                                                           ::
           /\                greets: #ukscene allstars,               ::
       ___/  \__                                                      ::
       \       /             fairlight, ate bit, scullar,             ::
        \     /                                                       : /\
         \    \              triad, tulou, bcs, fyllecell,           __/  \__
         /_  __\                                                     \      /
           \/                outbreak, yodel, traktor,               /     /
             :                                                      /___  _\
             ::              speedfisters, alcatraz,                    \/
             ::                                                           :
             ::              databrothers and youth uprising!             ::
              :                                                           ::
              :                                                            :

              :                                                            :

              .                                                            .                


     Three days with approximately 2 hours sleep each. Demoparty business as usual.
     Finally I can join velo and meaty for some well deserved beer. It's
     not easy beeing the designated coder :) Very proud to present this product
     which was orginally planned for release at assembly but pushed beyond the
     deadline due to various hardships. Now beer! ~cryptic

     This 64k intro was brought to you by 6 pizzas, a blocked toilet, 150 cans 
     of lager and a broken festival chair.  mmm, these fish and chips are
     delicious.  MORE BEER!!!!!   GIMME MORE BEER!!!!!!!!  burp.  Parapete
     is sitting opposite us, and his beard makes him look like a playmobil
     man.  Chilli sauce all round!  Respects to /Qfist for the worst
     show-stopping synth bug in history!   ~meaty


     Sundown 09, what can i say... Awsome party, lovely people great beer and 
     in a few hours hopefully the best bonfire since the first Breakpoint party!
     Respects to rolf for the moral support at asm, respects to ne7 for the 
     awsome ascii-art! Gonna have a few more beers now. HATTEN! ~velo