inferno by Guideline [web]
::!! !!MMMMUU !!MMMMMMMMMM!! ""MMMMMMMMMMMMMMDD MMMMMM;; nnMMMMMM!! MMMMMM!! MMMM BBMMMMMM!! ##zz nnMMMMMMMMDD ## ;;MMMMMMMMMMMMnn BB ffMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM;; BBMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!! ""UUMMMMMMMM"" ffMM!! DDMM DDMMMMff BBMMMMMMMM "";; ##MMMMMMMMMM## wwDDee;; ##MMMMMMMMMMMMDD nnBB!! ##MMMMMMMMMMMMUU ;;##nn DDMMMMMMMMMMMMww zzMM"" UUMMMMMMMMMMMMee wwMM;; UUMMMMMMMMMMMMff UUMMzz DDMMMMMMMMMMMM:: UUMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMDD zzMMMMBB ;;MMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMM BBMMMMMMMMMM nnMMMMMMMM;; ffMMMMMMMMww wwMMMMMMMM## !!MMMMMMMM nnMMMMMMMMMMDD !!MMMMMMee ""MMMMMMMMMMMM## ffMMMM## MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMnn eeMMMM ;;MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMnn MMMM;; ffMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMDDff wwMM!! ffMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM##wwffffeeMMMM"" ;;MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM;; eeMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM eeMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMee ffBBMMMMMMMMMMMM;; ;;zzzz:: Guideline `Inferno' released at tUM 2006 Coding: Alusi Max Exporter, Shaders, Additional code: BetA Modelling & Design: The Bat Music: Dead.Circuit You (still) need .NET 2.0 and Pixelshader 2.0 Wow! See that loading time? from 1:30 to 25 seconds or something. The new exporter and importer is kinda working now. Some minor fixes will (hopefully) come in the next version of stuff. Another Guideline release, almost finished before the deadline. Just a fun demo, inspired by the disco theme for tUM. With this release a small party may be celebrated. This is the 5th release we did using our own demosystem, and all within a year! See you at BreakPoint 2007!
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