Evenk by MadWizards [web]
simon says we are back click click click m A d w I z A r d s ╖ ________\ _________ ____ ______ _____ \ \ ___ _____________ /_\ / \_____\ /___ |\ \/_ \_ / _/ \ / / |__ / ___ \_______\_________/\ \_____/ /| ----\______/___\-/__________\----------\ _az0!__\---/_____|- \ proudly present . __________ __________\__________ ____________ ______ \ ____/____ _____| \ ____/____ \ \__ __| / |\ ____/_\ | /_\ ____/__\ \/ ___/_____ |____/ ______ /______/ ___ \___| \ -----/__________\----|________/-az0!-/__________\-/\ __________\--|___________\- \ e V e N k A 170bpm classic PC-DOS demo for all you geeks around. Dust off your Gravises, polish the Megs of RAM for Polish blast and let the nineties vibe flow around one more time. Presented first in front of the charming crowd at Riverwash 2016, held in Katowice, Poland on September 2-4 2016. You people rock! the a-team - ---------- - Programming by Kiero Visuals by Azzaro, Rorque & MrRobin 3d blenders by Nytrik & Dzekson Autotuned by Chaser Directed by Kiero & Azzaro Made in Koszalin, Poland, August A.D. 2016 kisses and flowers - ------------------ - To all our (socially dead or alive) friends in following groups: Addict, Alcatraz, Altair, Amnesty, Anadune, Andromeda Software Development, Apathy, Appendix, Bauknecht, Black Maiden, Brain Control, Calodox, Cocoon, Complex, Conspiracy, Decree, Dekadence, Dimness, Dinx Project, Dma, Dual Crew-Shining, Elude, Embassy, Encore, Ephidrena, Fairlight, Farbrausch, Floppy, Focus Design, Ghostown, Haujobb, Hellcore, Iris, Kewlers, Lamers, Lepsi Design, Limited Edition, Loonies, Marsmellow, Matt Current, Mfx, Moods Plateau, Moonflow, Nah-Kolor, Nuance, Omnicolour, Ozone, Panda Cube, Phase Truce, Pic Saint Loup, Plastic, Popsy Team, Potion, Rebels, RNO, Satori, Scoopex, Skarla, Spaceballs, Still, Sunflower, Supergroup, Suspend, The Black Lotus, Traktor, TRSI, Union, Up'Rough, Veezya, Venture, Whelpz and all forgotten. requirements - ------------ - Intel 300MHz class rocket with 64Mb RAM, VESA-compatible gfx card to see, Gravis Ultrasound or Soundblaster to hear, a modern class shiny Microsoft DOS 6.22 operating system to execute will do the trick. The rest of you please select fullscreen on Youtube. You're welcome. wise words - ---------- - To join/rejoin Madwizards or sent us feedback about this demo please drop an email at [email protected]. We're on Facebook but who cares. As usual, we are looking for skilled members around the world who can jump on any forthcoming projects. Stamps back, 100% answer. Or something. For friendly swapping and 100% answer send your diskette to... wait, wat? [c]16 Madwizards. txtfile layout by Azzaro
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