some bookprint and a broken heart by Replay
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popularity : 72% |
alltime top: #976 |
added on the 2000-07-06 02:12:05 by lord k ![]() |
popularity helper
Even though I like this thing, replay can do A LOT better. The beauty of this intro (if any) lays on its music. It kicks off pretty well, but gets boring as time goes by. Entirely flat 3D (which I like, but this one is too damn simple). Exemplary music. Extremely simple/clean design (that doesn't mean it's particularly good). And lots of lyrics displayed along the intro. Nice one, but lacks eye-candy.
The music is very good, and the text too, but replay can do better :) (easy to say )
beautiful intro, but it requires too much CPU.. replay can do better... :)
a really nice intro with a really cute little music (^_^)
replay can do better.. but they shouldn't.. 8) this one is pure genius as it is.
uhm. flat shaded cubes... *sigh*. i don't like this one. the fx are too cheap. i think replay should try some new ideas... they're repeating themselves too much...
The music is great (should I say kick ass ? :) ), the lyrics are quite good but I don't really understand the link between the music/lyrics and the graphic part.
Beautiful music, good text.
Effects are okay.
Good one.
Effects are okay.
Good one.
good 3d flat code, cool design and colors
but a little bit boring for this 40ko intro
but a little bit boring for this 40ko intro
i, i love this intro, thinkits the best i ever seen, but i dont know.
simple n stylish, wonderfull music and poetry, i love it.
simple n stylish, wonderfull music and poetry, i love it.
c'est zoliiiiiiiiiiii! wouuu!
this was like the first intro i saw. and i really fell in love with the music! radix/lonnie rock ass! it's an clean design all over the intro.
just a 'rulez'
Boring and ugly. Guess it's just too artistic for my comprehension.
A simple style which I like alot. Also with the blend of the nice music(should I precise VERY nice?) and "poetry", this one ranks among one of my favorites, even thought not being what I call visually impressive.
I like this for some reason, heh... the music works, the models work, even the text works.. despite the fact that I should hate it.
this is kind of a half-rulz.. if there were many other good votes I'd just have gone for 'okay'.
this is kind of a half-rulz.. if there were many other good votes I'd just have gone for 'okay'.
we need more artistic demos like this... sceners do have a heart :-)
go harvesting the flowers in the garden of love :)
ugly effects, too long
artistic seems to be a synonym for flatshading
artistic seems to be a synonym for flatshading
imagine how amazingly great this intro must be if it touches you so deep with those simple scenes and minimalistic music... yes, this is weird, but fuck, i'm in love with replay.
ps: now you can call me pervert. i don't care.
ps: now you can call me pervert. i don't care.
I could be bitching about what's wrong with it, but I'd rather btich about the fact that it's such a cute intro.
Far to minimalistic for it's own good, but it's very pleasing.
Far to minimalistic for it's own good, but it's very pleasing.
Got to love that tune!! The design yet simple is very entertaining! Great!
don't watch it after breaking up with somebody. i did. i cried.
gloom: good thing you didn't watch Shad then.
anyway, nice intro.
anyway, nice intro.
sad and touching piece. minimalistic, perfect.
could anyone tell me what's so great about it?
it features simple and stylish but absolutely pointless scenes, rendered in absolutely laughable speed, decorated with some high-school-kid "i am soooo lovesick"-"poetry".
the only thing i like about it is the music, but that certainly isn't enough to change my opinion.
it features simple and stylish but absolutely pointless scenes, rendered in absolutely laughable speed, decorated with some high-school-kid "i am soooo lovesick"-"poetry".
the only thing i like about it is the music, but that certainly isn't enough to change my opinion.
I love Replay!!!
Good intro.
Save the Flat Shading!
Good intro.
Save the Flat Shading!
Flat shading is cool. this poetry was nice and the music rocks!
if it wasnt for the music by radix&lonnie i would have voted
on this one.

"poetry" .. don't make me laugh... just think what would happen if every democoder made intros like this one each time things aren't going his way romantically.. *shiver*
music's ok.. but the rest... write "poems" that you keep in your own personal diary or get a guitar and write pathetic love songs in your bedroom.. but please.. spare us.
I'm not saying it's wrong to display emotions or make personal demos/intros.. but use the medium! demos are "multimedia" in the true sense of the word, and you should use visuals and audio in combination to convey a mood.. not just scroll text over the screen and display unrelated effects behind it...
music's ok.. but the rest... write "poems" that you keep in your own personal diary or get a guitar and write pathetic love songs in your bedroom.. but please.. spare us.
I'm not saying it's wrong to display emotions or make personal demos/intros.. but use the medium! demos are "multimedia" in the true sense of the word, and you should use visuals and audio in combination to convey a mood.. not just scroll text over the screen and display unrelated effects behind it...
i wanna see the real emotions of this fantastic poetrical shaped mystery dark alone drugaddicted coder! Like, i wanna see the true emotions! in intro like this. i bet it would be only colors, more blur and free pron. and blood to.. perhaps even it would move, and rock as much as it possibly could wiht the rgb power he insanely have in his own mind
it's soooo nice
this prod: is ok
I'm not as touched as everyone else, but some scenes were good.
I'm not as touched as everyone else, but some scenes were good.
there is something in but i feel it rather cheesy on a way..
too noble to be true indeed =]
Music is really awesome, but the intro lacks good effects. And I don't really understand what's wrong about doing personal/poetry-containing/'poetry'-containing/shitty/ugly/...(put some word here) productions. WTF? It's scene, it's freedom. Don't like that kind of stuff? Don't watch, don't download. I don't understand people which are soooo afraid of productions with 'messages'. And yes, I *can* see the difference between just a bunch of pathetic text and a good poem. If you can't, it's your problem.
your problem is that you dont understand that everyone sees the difference
i couldn't hear the music for some reason, but i liked the intro anyway.
Wow, it's so relaxing, and it has such nice lyrics! Although the engine is a bit slow, as it just shows flat polys on high res, it's one of those awesome productions that everyone should see at least once!
I love this. Design, music and texts all fit perfectly.
it's jerky but honest. i prefer watching something with message over random generated content even if the realization is questionable.
Hey, this is NICE! I love the kaleidoscopic first scene. And the cool music. =)
the music rocks, the rest is indiscutable
oh yuck!
ok tune. horrible speed. bad sgeneboetry. awful colours. boring. boring. boring. nu-media. boring. crap.
hm... i have to admit the poetry might not be as good as i thought when watching this for the first time... nice intro still.
Scene poetry is so stupid. Why can't people just whine in private??
the music would deserve a rulez but...
just sweet
serious shit
Here it is, the most infamous case of scene poetry. Oh, and the most infamous case of flat-shading aswell. ;) Quite a daring package and the tune just goes very well with it.
good music, shitty visuals
nice minimalistic optics and absolutely sweet sound and lyrics. that's atmosphere.
i liked it
i haven't thumb this up??
very cool, actual emotion in there.
Yes, emotion, but no motion... and thats pretty good to have if its supposed to be "realtime".
Apart from the lyrics this intro follows the black maiden style. <3
How comes I still haven't stated that this is horribly BORING?
How comes I still haven't stated that this is very beautiful?
As usual a clean rpl prod.
the music.
Good job.
first colorful part is great. but after that it stays dull until the end. very few and repeating effects.
and poetry is ... scary animals, dying flowers .. oh no.
but music is an equaliser.
and poetry is ... scary animals, dying flowers .. oh no.
but music is an equaliser.
well done
of course, and the music.
i love this demo.. such a penetrating and different concept.
still be warm although i have experienced it stuffs of time then i show it to my Gf & she presented me a kiss so i Rulez for this prod and also for shiver who created the ft chiptune .xm by minifmod playing.
u definitely getin the moment u double-click the .exe file..the simple scene and visual only tells under this synth track.
Good Job!
Good Job!
++ lovely tune
+ appealing colors
+ good design
+ appealing colors
+ good design
simple but nice! flat shading is always beautiful!
eccentric beauty & sweety. refreshing and relaxing in any way.
this does not work correctly under vista.
Nice intro, love the music.
still what bhead said in 2000
I loved this one back then, and still do... The music is awesome!
Replay is cool.
good vibez.
a delayed thumb from 2002 :)
YouTube vieo here:
boring and overrated
music rules
way too simple, even for it's time..
Too simple and lame music
thumbup for whisker + radix&loonie :)
thumb for honesty & letting it all out
coz it's true.
Doesn't exactly suck, but it's pretty darn close ;-)
a missing thumb from the past
replay! love the music and design.
sgeneboetry is a bit out of place but kickass otherwise
Crashes on Win7, and the music gets spoiled by lack of autovibrato support :)
this 64k made my whole life.
replay quality, love most of their demos.
scene boetry! but i liked it back then
dreamy poetry and a chiptune... <3
Boring. Very, very boring.
among the best 64k soundtracks ever written
not my cup of tea.
Of course I would thumb this up.
but the track is cool
but the track is cool
why did i forget to thumb this up
I still love the tune :)
dat tune ^_^
btw, dunno why it is detected by some AV's as malware but it is indeed addictive and replay'ing worthy :)
btw, dunno why it is detected by some AV's as malware but it is indeed addictive and replay'ing worthy :)
That minimalistic visuals look really good.
Nice little love poem, heard the track a lot but don't think i have seen the demo until now
oh god this music
what a vibe <3 <3
Music and mood is great. Thumbs up for that.
Visuals and design are OK. Colors are nice.
Poetry and flow is mediocre. Boring and dull.
Overall more good than bad. That's all.
Visuals and design are OK. Colors are nice.
Poetry and flow is mediocre. Boring and dull.
Overall more good than bad. That's all.
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I like the texture-free 3D