tUMo8: the better party by Smash Designs [web] | ||||||||||||||||||
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popularity : 71% |
alltime top: #2837 |
added on the 2004-08-29 19:44:54 by Fzool ![]() |
popularity helper
Sweet. The Textscreens were shown too long, imho.
but still the music is GREAT and i like the concept in general :D
(would have been happier if this was realtime or so but... :)))
but still the music is GREAT and i like the concept in general :D
(would have been happier if this was realtime or so but... :)))
looooool... aeg you are mad ;-)
thumbs up for the music conversion, thumbs down for the production itself.. even if the scenes were realtime, i would've rather seen 8x8 mono scenes that ran longer. and no time was spent on sync, it seems. and please stop with that ugly font! :)
Another classic demo makes it way on to 8 bit. Not aswell executed as Second Reality, the frame rate is way to slow, maybe on an smaller screen size it might be faster. The music is awsome. I think that even Kb will be pleased to hear such a nice conversion : )
one of the realy great things @ evoke
Great demo. It was really cool to see the reactions of the crowd - I've waited 2 weeks for that moments. :)
wow, *solid* proof that the C64 is indeed capable of displaying teletext-o-vision animations!
Unpleasant to the eyes. Music was a decent conversion but well... cheap success == piggie.
Unpleasant to the eyes. Music was a decent conversion but well... cheap success == piggie.
seconding shifter
The music conversion is brilliant
The music was as close as you could get I guess. The font didnt really hit the spot (nor the text layout). Graphics were ok.. they would look more complete with telephone sex-numbers at the bottom though..
The music conversion is pretty cool, but otherwise boring.
I was laughing nearly all the time and the fact that fr-08's music can be re-made so well on a C64 makes me doubt the quality of kb's synth :-)
Fake demo quality.
ho, yeah! :)
One of the best fucking c64 releases well musically then ;)
Sorry shifter... the music of this demo rocked....
I voted michera nr 1 !!!!! really!!!!!
Sorry shifter... the music of this demo rocked....
I voted michera nr 1 !!!!! really!!!!!
Thanks for the votes of confidence on the music! I made the conversion of the music for this demo. I'm quite proud of it myself. :D
It'll be included in Nectarine's next update in two days time, so watch out for it there. :)
It'll be included in Nectarine's next update in two days time, so watch out for it there. :)
Sick :)
thumbs up for the music and idea..
the rendering and text is pure nonsense although..
the rendering and text is pure nonsense although..
Sorry, but what's sick about showing a few precalculated and packed frames at 2fps that are loaded while displaying a few lines of text? Depending on the speed of the loader you can just go on like this for a whole disk side. With parallel transfer i can even stream p0rn in this quality on my c64 at even 8fps and for 20mins or over. Some new music style in c64 demos wouldn't hurt too.
BOO SHIT!!!! (good music conversion tho)


hahahah i fucked this up :D
ugly and lame demo with okayish remake of the fr08 tunes. but damn, this demo is lame.
you guys should definitely see this with a bigger humor-tolerance. =)
the musick conversions were nice, the rest just looked ok on the bigscreen. i'm not even halfway going to join the bashing of how it's been done, as i already said, humor is required here.
the musick conversions were nice, the rest just looked ok on the bigscreen. i'm not even halfway going to join the bashing of how it's been done, as i already said, humor is required here.
dalezy: 14 thumbs up, 3 down. Not much of a bashing, right? :) And as I said on CSDb: this is like a Hujowa demo, but without the humour. Where are the Vanilla Ice pictures? Where are the greetings to Panic?
Music: killer. Humor: yes. Conversion: had to be done. Result: well not perfect but who cares (ok apparently several people...)
doesnt work, window pop ups and disapears. winxp, radeon 9600..
Its good enough for an invtro. And at least it has a better balanced texture/mesh quality ratio than ususal ;]
Humor: bad.
I grabbed my chair for a moment :)
The music conversion is awesome, and that's what my thumb up is for. The loading screen gag was ok, the rest.. well.
And why on earth is everybody in smash designs totally unable to chose a decent font, non-ugly text layout and write at least ONE sentence that doesn't sound like schoolbook english? It can't be that hard to come up with something more creative than "come to tum", "tum is nice", "see the light" etc :)
And why on earth is everybody in smash designs totally unable to chose a decent font, non-ugly text layout and write at least ONE sentence that doesn't sound like schoolbook english? It can't be that hard to come up with something more creative than "come to tum", "tum is nice", "see the light" etc :)
hujowa would make much better invitro
Sorry but only 'bigot idealist' can tumb up this prod as gargaj :)))))
Good music but the rest is under criticism :(((
Piggie just for the music !
Good music but the rest is under criticism :(((
Piggie just for the music !
more like, the "bigot idealist" got the point, among with 17 other likeminded people.
ok, if you wish :) but don't take it seriously :) I don't wanna bother you (if you belive or not --- i don't care :)))), i just think you really don't get the point. :/
Your averange rating (from more comment than they ever dreamt :) is far above than their :) Starbuck the only person _here_ who can beat you by now :))))))))))))
Funny to saying that stelthz is the idol of idealism with his 0.04 averange :) Or scamp, jimmy,ts,pro ... they have ~0.37...
I really wish... i willn't die before see a thumb down for a respected people's work from you. :)))))
For example: remake of fr-08 on c64 with simple flatshaded polys or line vectors is rather a good idea than replaying an ugly animation... :(
Your averange rating (from more comment than they ever dreamt :) is far above than their :) Starbuck the only person _here_ who can beat you by now :))))))))))))
Funny to saying that stelthz is the idol of idealism with his 0.04 averange :) Or scamp, jimmy,ts,pro ... they have ~0.37...
I really wish... i willn't die before see a thumb down for a respected people's work from you. :)))))
For example: remake of fr-08 on c64 with simple flatshaded polys or line vectors is rather a good idea than replaying an ugly animation... :(
no offence or anything, just makes me wonder...
since when is thumbing up prods (the ones i, incidentally, happen to like) a crime?
likewise, since when is it required to thumb down decent prods on a regular basis, especially if the reason is just to "maintain a certain level of acknowledgement"?
i don't see why it would be mandatory in any way to downvote a demo just because it might not feature all the properties others would demand in it. ("go with the flock"-mentality comes to mind)
i also would like to note that citing others as "likeminded" didn't imply similiar voting manners, only a current match of taste considering the demo in subject.
since when is thumbing up prods (the ones i, incidentally, happen to like) a crime?
likewise, since when is it required to thumb down decent prods on a regular basis, especially if the reason is just to "maintain a certain level of acknowledgement"?
i don't see why it would be mandatory in any way to downvote a demo just because it might not feature all the properties others would demand in it. ("go with the flock"-mentality comes to mind)
i also would like to note that citing others as "likeminded" didn't imply similiar voting manners, only a current match of taste considering the demo in subject.
THe thumb below goes to Ciaran of course
And for the rest, my god, it's a 4x4 animation player, does that REALLY hurt anyone?
And for the rest, my god, it's a 4x4 animation player, does that REALLY hurt anyone?
Funny how abcug can make a big fuzz about voting and go as far as looking up votestatistics.
swap comment with the one from the other invitation...
stelthz: No i did not :) I just make phun and said that gargaj is a 'bigot idealist' :))) Nothing more. I wonder why he aren't thumb down (nor this but anything !) a prod that deserve it. Statistics is just a thing and a good chance to make stronger my affirmation :))))))))
could it be that, perchance, i happen to have a slightly perpendicular opinion considering the "deserving" factor of certain productions opposed to your two cents, strictly staying on the basis of being "fucking subjective"(tm)? :)
(and of course, there's also the fact of you having a 0.45 ratio, which, for me, deriving from your words, also falls in the territory of "idealist")
(and of course, there's also the fact of you having a 0.45 ratio, which, for me, deriving from your words, also falls in the territory of "idealist")
Laughed my ass off :-)
..and tell me i dont have sense of humour and i will beat u laughting
thumb up for effort... despite the fact it's slow, the music is nice and it's somewhat enjoyable (only once, probably)
raverz99: you dont have ANY sense of humour
shadez: maybe you didnt get it, but its slow because its animation ;D total shitty ugly animation :(
with all the loading before every scene, you can safely infer that none of this is realtime. which leads to the question why the screen refresh is so flickery. all in all, this is pretty decent for an invtro, but not more.
with all the loading before every scene, you can safely infer that none of this is realtime. which leads to the question why the screen refresh is so flickery.
i quoted too much :(
now, that was funny:)
The same here. Great music conversion, the rest is ok, brings me back memories of the PC intro which is cool.
to be honest, after this intro i had the feeling "hmmm should i really go to TUM this year?"... what is this supposed to be?.. the title is already so demanding, and those texts were really disturbing... "oh we have enough space for all, no commerce, blahblahblah..", implyfying "oh we're so much better than this shitty party called evoke"... so, despite all the technical niftyness, i can't thumb it up. wouldn't have expected such aggressive countermarketing from you guys. what would be the next step - going to a party and releasing an intro saying "yo this party sucks, visit our instead!". ich dachte wir ziehen alle am gleichen strang... oh well, nevermind, was just a bit wondering about such strategies. and sure i will come to tum.
dipswitch: Releasing counter-ad invtros at parties has long been a tradition beginning with the demise of TP in... 1995 or so.
Apart from that don't you think you're reacting a bit oversensitive? (I don't want to defend this prod, this is just a personal observation).
Apart from that don't you think you're reacting a bit oversensitive? (I don't want to defend this prod, this is just a personal observation).
hm maybe... yeah and there is a tradition like that... just wouldnt have expected it from TUM. and yes, perhaps i _am_ overreacting. but i really start to wonder if people see a demise of evoke whyever, although there is absolutely _no_ reason for that, we're getting stronger and stronger each year while staying scene-only.
and just fyi, the previous, this and further statements made by me here resemble only my personal views and in no way the views of other evoke organizers.
I still think that you, äh, also dass dus in den falschen Hals gekriegt hast. What you read from the texts can also be seen as "normal", desirable statements about a party - and furthermore I definitely doubt that either AEG or the TUM organisation would have ANYTHING against Evoke. Hey, at least from what I've seen we still have a frendly, helpful atmosphere between the German parties (apart from those arrogant Breakpoint suckers of course), and I don't think anything written in this invtro was meant negatively towards Evoke.
okay, perhaps i just have a bad day =)
Sorry Dipswitch, you are wrong. After Christmas tUM competes against TP aka The Party. The title should make clear there is no question of going to "the party" or to "the better party". No offence against Evoke, we love Evoke. :)
Btw, tUM isn't TUM, but that's another story. :)
To all others: Come to the Ultimate Meeting or be frustrated once again in Aars. ;)
Btw, tUM isn't TUM, but that's another story. :)
To all others: Come to the Ultimate Meeting or be frustrated once again in Aars. ;)
@dipswitch: eh, um es mit kb zu sagen. du hast was in den falschen hals bekommen. aber das hätte man auch im #tum channel klären können und nicht gleich hier verewigen.
Piggy. It would be a thumb down, except the music is spectacular (I played it and ran fr-08, and as it turns out this music is in the same key, and almost the same tempo such that it lost four seconds on the main music by "You may press escape now")
As for the rest of it... Short animated snippets broken up by text that sits there, in tiny resolution, 16 colors, low framerate.
Yes, I know that fr-08 is designed to run on hardware 500x times faster. But... it still doesn't require that I say this is good...
As for the rest of it... Short animated snippets broken up by text that sits there, in tiny resolution, 16 colors, low framerate.
Yes, I know that fr-08 is designed to run on hardware 500x times faster. But... it still doesn't require that I say this is good...
just another fr-08 hommage, but a funny one. i liked it.
thumb up for the equalizer bars =)
I never had a C64 because my Amiga ruled so much. But then I got this disk at Evoke. So I ebayed me one.
I plugged everything in...
Inserted the tum04-invitation...
Switched on the machine and finally found the channel...
10 PRINT "Hello world"
So as you can see - this invitation became my very first personal experience with C64. I will never forget this moment. ;-))
I plugged everything in...
Inserted the tum04-invitation...
Switched on the machine and finally found the channel...
10 PRINT "Hello world"
So as you can see - this invitation became my very first personal experience with C64. I will never forget this moment. ;-))
thanks. your comment makes me believe that it was worth to sit hours infront of my c64 and copy all those discs and get the covers ready. welcome to the c64 family ;)
thanks. your comment makes me believe that it was worth to sit hours infront of my c64 and copy all those discs and get the covers ready. welcome to the c64 family ;)
Great music.
ugly animations with a nice music, which doesn't really save the demo itself.
"was that smash thing real time or animated?"
"it waz 100 pörcent animation"
"it waz 100 pörcent animation"
something about the long loading, and all the 3d scenes being 32 frames long makes me suspicious..
i'm venturing that you could put more animation frames in the same space with better compression. and make it just a little less blocky and LESS FLICKERY. this demo neither look good nor impresses code-wise.
all that digitized realtime calculations are totally outstanding! btw: nice conversion of the loader tune! ;)
ugly and boring.
Hehe cool! :)
The music saves it from a downthumb
Kudos for the efforts and the laughs that I had, but actually it all looks rather ugly.. so a piggie..
the music is amazing!
though the lack of sync (and the size) ruin the effect
though the lack of sync (and the size) ruin the effect
Music is totally amazing, loading is good, advertising and final part are not bad, but all other is eyecancer :(
something about the long loading, and all the 3d scenes being 32 frames long makes me suspicious..
Okay, but is nice to see. I'd thumb it up.
Nice music conversion, rest is meh.
great tune and nice attempt on the visuals.
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rest is.. hmm.. animations.. I liked second realitly more :)