tomic information 165 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Tom
- last name: Schreiter
contributions to prods 8 prods (299 thumbs up, 28 thumbs down) [show all]
- 2006 demo Windows MacOSX Intel Mac My Bitch Up by bypass [web] [Graphics]
- 2005 diskmag Windows PAiN #57 (10/05) by Pain Staff [web] [Graphics]
- 2004 64k Linux Windows anruf aus schweden by unik [web] [Graphics (3d)]
- 2001 64k Windows catch ya clean by bypass [web] [Graphics]
- 2001 64k Windows shrooms by bypass [web] [Graphics (splines, textures)]
- 2000 demo Windows digital by Magic Dreams [web] & unik [web] [Graphics]
- 2000 64k Windows Pluxity by unik [web] [Graphics]
- 2000 64k Windows Plainwork by unik [web] [Graphics]
prods added 54 x 2 = 108 glöps [show]
groups added 3 glöps [show]
parties added 1 glöps [show]
screenshots added 2 glöps [show]
nfos added 6 glöps [show]
oneliners posted 10 oneliners [show]
bbs topics opened 1 topics [show]
bbs posts 43 posts [show]
account created on the 2000-10-24 21:16:51