the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2025-02-20
I prefer the Nostrils Libre Works fork
The otter has dropped on the doormat, over!
"This is NOT a flying squirrel, I repeat : this is NOT a flying squirrel. It's leGend in a stolen UAP once again ! Over."
Yes, here I am, reporting from the Revision site. I am beaming mah lazorzs again into the hall. Over and out" Steps out "oh hi Mark"
hi doggie!
lightspeed otters surfing the physical luckplane - a spacetime filament across europe
who are the oldest active lamers?
@la_mettrie: Trump is 78 …
oh god, the number of people in that thread who failed to understand the metric of "distinct years in which you released something" and felt personally slighted that the one demo they made in 1996 didn't make them a special unique snowflake
Nationalsozialisten are the oldest active lamers
Who are the oldest active X's?
...he asked, menacingly, from the cockpit of the UAP while alien laser turrets slided into firing position.
dutch people, amsterdam and utrecht, dutch people, I come from Finland. What does "kotabel" mean in "jazzkotabel" ?
- 2025-02-21
jazzkotabel is probably wordplay on discutabel which sounds like 'disco-table', meaning 'debatable'
a disco-table is also a table in a disco
Coat: Thanks, none of the translators did much with the word. :)
and jazzkwotabel would've been a funnier wordplay
I guess I can say I listen to ... a lot :D
i sometimes listen to their X-Rated programme... which they adopted from kinkfm when the main guy died and that radiostation with him
Fun Fact : Amadeus could play Interference on a Commodordion perfectly with just one hand. He used to flip the bird at the audience with the other one... :D That's where the Kewlers logo comes from, btw.