the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2025-02-16
says musk but färjan fortsätter att flyta
- 2025-02-17
- - kool album by Slightly Magic
neon: resubmit those exegfx DZ ID's with "productions" in the url plz
- 2025-02-18
Still listening to mod.serenity square in 2025 and dreaming of the days in space
not to be confused with serenity.mod by vic.
Who codes Xenon 2 on an Atari ST
Who runs bartertown
every nerd today: i'm so unique, i just want to understand how brain works
Pinky: Gee, Brain, whaddya wanna do tonight? The Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky. Try to take over the world!
some of us already know how the brain works
- 2025-02-19
brain...? work...?
me to my brain: stop thinking and start working
Start paying him a decent wage for starters, maybe ?! Life is not cheap in 2025 ! :D
why pay.. it's way easier psyoping it so it's fully obidient
Imagine calling a board and then paging the psyop
I try soooo harrrrd and got so far, but in the eeeend it wasn't party lebennnnn
- 2025-02-20
Demoscene Report 19 February 2025
Drilling the nostrils open works.
I don't often write documents or edit spreadsheets, but when I do, I do it with Nostrils Open Works 5