flow information 13 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Niklas
- last name: Nummelin
contributions to prods 5 prods (76 thumbs up, 6 thumbs down) [show all]
- 2015 64k Windows calm by s/n [code, synth, music]
- 2014 32k Windows 25 by Censor Design [web] [code, music, synthesizer]
- 2000 64k
Forms by Replay [music]
- 2000 64k Windows bitwise by Array [code, music]
- 2000 64k Windows shortest route by Array [music]
oneliners posted 1 oneliners [show]
bbs topics opened 1 topics [show]
bbs posts 9 posts [show]
account created on the 2000-12-05 12:59:02