216 information 170 glöps
- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: 27
- last name: 8
bbs posts 446 posts
- Raster effects on VGA? (code)
- Raster effects on VGA? (code)
- Non-Random Speedtest.net thread (residue)
- the easiest demotool (general)
- Tibble Demoparty #1 (parties)
- These could be interesting ideas, give me your opinion! (residue)
- My brain vs opengl documentation right now (general)
- What is "oldschool" in the context of 90s? (general)
- Matrix conventions / multiplication order (code)
- Welcome to pouët.net 2.0 (general)
- Welcome to pouët.net 2.0 (general)
- Getting more people to vote during demoparties (parties)
- Detail wanking: Scrolling lists on touch screens. (code)
- Fake effects (offtopic)
- Fake effects (offtopic)
- Fake effects (offtopic)
- Fake effects (offtopic)
- linear palette extraction (code)
- linear palette extraction (code)
- Extended Instruction Set (code)
- Extended Instruction Set (code)
- Hierarchical Marching Cubes (code)
- Mousecursors in 4k Intros (code)
- Hierarchical Marching Cubes (code)
- why code keep crashing ? :( (code)
- questions for programmers interview (code)
- Behold! The interesting little programs thread. (code)
- questions for programmers interview (code)
- questions for programmers interview (code)
- questions for programmers interview (code)
- questions for programmers interview (code)
- questions for programmers interview (code)
- first demo who ever used raymarching? (code)
- P-NP problem, TSP (offtopic)
- P-NP problem, TSP (offtopic)
- Height field normals using Noise derivatives (code)
- Height field normals using Noise derivatives (code)
- farbrausch demo tools open source (code)
- 10th Annual Scene.org Awards - Public Choice voting (general)
- 10th Annual Scene.org Awards - Public Choice voting (general)
- C++ and OpenGL on Windows Phone (code)
- trees (code)
- HD Data Recovery (offtopic)
- HD Data Recovery (offtopic)
- Voxels vs. Polygons vs. Raytracing comparison table. (gfx)
- Bokeh DOF (code)
- Experimental music from very short C programs (code)
- Experimental music from very short C programs (code)
- Experimental music from very short C programs (code)
- Raymarching Tutorial (code)
account created on the 2001-06-04 17:23:49