Viraxor information 103 glöps

- general:
- level: user
- personal:
- first name: Bogdan
- last name: Markovic
- cdcs:
- cdc #1: Ouch II
nfos added 10 glöps
- musicdisk Windows Batthew Musicdisk by The Noodlers
- demotool Windows DeGenerate v0.1 by Abhorus [web]
- game MS-Dos ultimuh by Nuclear Meltdown Productions [web]
- game MS-Dos pong 1.0 by Nuclear Meltdown Productions [web]
- demo MS-Dos soap by Nuclear Meltdown Productions [web]
- demotool Windows sinus creator 3.0 by The Gang [web]
- demo Windows the gnag by The Gang [web]
- demo intro Windows little stupid demo intro by The Gang [web]
- intro Windows write, compile, run by The Gang [web]
- demo Windows husmys by The Gang [web]
account created on the 2022-07-17 16:20:15