
b:nary 2014 (1st May to 1st June)

category: general [glöplog]
Hi there!

As a follow-up for the piddling C²-Contest and a a minimalistic "online demo compo" more dedicated towards newsceners and beginners, this year the first round of b:nary will take place.

b:nary is an online demo competition. The task is to create the best demo within the given time according to the given topic. The topic will be announced once the competition has officially started. You have the chance to participate with not more than one demo/entry per category (PC Demo, PC 64k and Music).

The winner will be determined by an online-voting. As usual every entry will be presented in hosted live-streams and will be spread afterwards.

So if you are new to the scene, just curious what you could code in the given time or your are generally starting as a programmer, b:nary is the competetion where you will most likely meet participants at your level.

Website: http://minxtech.tk/cca
reddit Thread: http://redd.it/2410kn

For further questions: [email protected]
added on the 2014-04-27 13:52:00 by minx minx
There's a typo in the <title> tag.
added on the 2014-04-27 15:11:42 by Gargaj Gargaj
Hmm,. like game jam? Will see, will see.. maybe one month is not very much for big demo or 64k intro, maybe it's just a motivation boost to start something.
added on the 2014-04-27 15:20:22 by Optimus Optimus
Maybe things like gamejams but for demos would be interesting? Maybe not (because if I finish something, I'd prefer to release in our demoparties). Unless it's small compos, like do a single effect, not a full blown demo? We have dbfinteractive competition for this, but I'd like to see more in small scale and newcomers compos and stuff.
added on the 2014-04-27 15:21:52 by Optimus Optimus
We have the first few interested participants :). Even if you won't submit anything, tell your friends or any newscener/new programmer you'd like.
added on the 2014-04-29 20:09:18 by minx minx
Topic is announced!
added on the 2014-05-01 17:19:48 by minx minx
b:nary IRC: irc.afterworkchat.com #minxomat
added on the 2014-05-02 21:12:13 by minx minx
