
Bittin Sommarhack Party Report 2013

category: parties [glöplog]
/|\ Party report from Sommarhack 2013 /|\

Thursday: Just ended works and loaded some nice timbral and Ultrasyd and dubmood livesets to my phone, and has packed, going to the party in about 2hours and gonna be picked up on the trainstation in Hedemora to go to Grådö tonight :)
After i jumped on the train, listning to some dubmood, timbral, zabutom and other nice music on a SJ train i went with evil/DHS to the party place, and Knez got a Supervidel in his Atari Falcon, and then we played some Quake 1 via LAN 5 players 3 Atari Falcons, 2 PCs that was kinda cool :)
then all people got tired and went to bed

Friday: People sleeping on the party place right now (9:17 AM) but people are slowly waking up
The Gevalia is now on the way, some cofee has been drinked some shopping has been done, some grilling has been done
some booze has been drinken and some more people has arrived more grilling has been done, and now its Atari ST/STe/Falcon Demoshow time
and i should try to pixel a Fluttershy picture, i have pixled the picture but it was not really nice as i suck at painting, but the demoshow
was atleast nice, now its slow nightmode on sleept for a while on on to Saturday

Saturday: Was trying to bath, when everyone was sleeping, but it was fucking cold, then i followed knez and fogwraith to the store to buy more hot dogs for the morning bbq after drinking some morning coffee
now everyone has waked up has bbq some more food eated, and played some Atari Jaguar Games =)
and now some finnish guys has arrived, and its compo time, gfx, music and democompo ended, eating some cake and drinking some booze with the finns and waiting for the prizegiving.

Sunday: Went to Pizzeria Dalälven, after evil drove me into Hedemora, and then went home ...
here's mine:

thursday: I was sitting down on one of the chairs in my house. My hand was resting on the arm of the chair. I started to drum my fingers on the arm, thereby making a barely audible sound.

friday: I was in a room carrying out some routine activities. I began to consider playing some music on the stereo system. I looked at some compact discs for a while, but didn’t put one on.

saturday: I became aware that my spectacles were not sitting quite correctly on my nose. Using my hand I moved them slightly, thereby making them feel more comfortable. This adjustment completed I continued with my activities.

sunday: Went to church.
added on the 2013-07-05 11:48:32 by el mal el mal
Not meant to offend you but:

This is more like a Sommarhack Party Bittin-Report...
added on the 2013-07-05 14:11:52 by RbR RbR
What pizza did you get at the pizzeria? This is vital information.
added on the 2013-07-05 17:40:06 by Tjoppen Tjoppen
I like Maalis report,- especially saturday, seems to have been a quite eventful and disturbing day.
added on the 2013-07-05 17:54:46 by mog mog
Maali: Don't leave us hanging, what happened next??!?!
added on the 2013-07-05 18:03:39 by rc55 rc55
@Tjoppen Capricossa with extra olives on it :)
Maali's report is sadly missing what kind of dinner he had on Saturday and what the consistency of the resulting poop was.
Saga: Creamy, yet firm!
added on the 2013-07-05 18:18:55 by D.Fox D.Fox
How do you know? o.o
