Nordlicht 2013 date has changed!! 19th - 21st JULY (details inside)
category: parties [glöplog]
what does a shirt cost ?
Shipping only to Germany, sorry.
And shirts are EUR 20,- (as at the party).
Moqui's pics are now also on Slengpung, starting on page 7.

@sunspire: So I came back from holiday today, and what did I see??? Aaaargh, you betrayed me of a well deserved 4th place in the oldskool music compo ;-) >>apology accepted<<, maybe I should watch out in personna @ the next nordlicht :)
Btw: Hey, my tune wasnt't ranked last though being in the wrong compo...
@ all: nice releases and deserved winners, congrats 2 all
Btw: Hey, my tune wasnt't ranked last though being in the wrong compo...
@ all: nice releases and deserved winners, congrats 2 all
oops, sorry, saw that there were 4 entrys @ the oldschool msx compo, so lets say I would have ranked 5th :-)
If you dare, you can listen to the tune now on soundcloud (where you also can find some classic amiga tune Mixes to download ;))
If you dare, you can listen to the tune now on soundcloud (where you also can find some classic amiga tune Mixes to download ;))
DJ Arvy: I'm not sure if it would've ranked 5th, it was a nice tune after all. Which is why it puzzles me even more that I managed to swap it for the other one, ah well .. hopefully that won't happen again next year :)
btw. RbR is hiding facts, here is what really happened:

Thanks for the party! (also for all other nordlicht parties)