TRSI ex-coder Spider/T-Bone is back with a vengeance with his newest release,, a brilliant web-app for creating graphic design.
category: residue [glöplog]
I'm just here to register my mild bemusement at the thread title.
Back with a vengeance? I laugh at the early 90's playground demoscene posturing. I suppose we all have to fear his elite skills now - from motion tweens of animated circles to, oh look, WORLD DOMINATION.
This guy so needs a pair of Levi 501's, a flannel shirt and Lennon-esque circle lens glasses, at which point he can throw blue floppy disks at us and we can gush at his almighty demoscene reverence.
Engage finger pistols!

Back with a vengeance? I laugh at the early 90's playground demoscene posturing. I suppose we all have to fear his elite skills now - from motion tweens of animated circles to, oh look, WORLD DOMINATION.
This guy so needs a pair of Levi 501's, a flannel shirt and Lennon-esque circle lens glasses, at which point he can throw blue floppy disks at us and we can gush at his almighty demoscene reverence.
Engage finger pistols!

Very nice demo... Better than anything I have ever made.. I would never be able to code something as good as that... My demo coding skills suck...
Anyway, I guess many of you guys here have'nt realised that mostly, I have been kidding... Have been a pain in the ass on you haters on purpose... And I had so much fun making you'll mad at me... hehehe
I'm not at all like this in real life... Just here in this forum thread, just for 1 week in my live... I felt like fucking around with all you haters...
I loved this video someone posted before, about me:
I was laughing for I have'nt done since seeing some good simpsons episode. I will show it to my friends with pleasure... Just this video made it all worth while... Thanks... Fun time is over for me... All I wanted was to spend a few days fucking around with you haters...
You wont be seeing me around here for a while... But I promise that I'll throw a post here when my company reaches 100 million dollars :)
Thank to all the nice folks here that supported me and came with nice comments and suggestions...
Finally, the troll gets exposed, flees in panic, and we live in peace, here in the middle east. Amen.
rpfr: mwaahaha, its addictive! we're probably witnessing pouet's greatest troll-thread..everyone should be a part of this historic occasion :)
skrebbel: you're awesome with your ukulele!
what? no moar braging from T-Bone?
please come back!
make the text in your fireeffect editable!
(since i can already select the text it should not be that hard)
please come back!
make the text in your fireeffect editable!
(since i can already select the text it should not be that hard)
Eh yeah. Another coder with the misconception that coding some piece of software equals founding a company.
Or dominating the world.
The world is mine !!
The world may now
what, teis has more ex-affiliates than i do? not true!
is there a reason why ppl tag themselves with an "ex"-group?
kind regards
greetings to:
Ooh, I got a date with E-Cindy.
You wont be seeing me around here for a while... But I promise that I'll throw a post here when my company reaches 100 million dollars :)
Looks like he had to change his strategy just a teensy bit:

gfx looks ok to me. How are the succulent steaks?
More importantly: Can you order them on a shirt from the website?