Farmest 2010
category: parties [glöplog]
så du kommer bare ralph eller jeg smajrer dig!
og der kom du \o/ Results are there.
Back home again, and feeling quite good :) really enjoyed this years farmfest!
Back home again, and feeling quite good :) really enjoyed this years farmfest!
agreed, although still mad about being ill friday, but i suspect that's what playing Ring of Fire might do to you ..
The best way to get out of being sick after playing ring of fire, is to play ring of fire again.
Thanks all (!) for coming. I had a blast. I'll see you in August, with my big cards.
Thanks all (!) for coming. I had a blast. I'll see you in August, with my big cards.
Where are the releases???? Gotta see the Danish Spykladd :)
They're on Just waiting for the admins to move the files out of /incoming/.
Teeeeftee. please beware that the name might be a missguidance ;)
Seems like a buenzli organiser is a admin. It would have been nice if you'd also moved the farmfest entries into /pub/. The wait continues.

the entries have just been moved thx to gargaj.
haha, anders - nu kan du vist aldrig-ever-never brokke dig over at jeg remixer gammel lorot :)
Jeg ve' ik' hva' do snakker om .. men noget skulle der jo være i compoen og jeg magtede ikke at gøre noget .. jeg ville have lavet det mere smajret men det kom aldrig til mig .. men så længe din undskyldning er at være blevet gift + købe hus + begrave farmor + rejse på ferie indenfor samme 3 ugers periode, så skal jeg aldrig beklage mig over dit genbrug igen ;) ..
We haven't seen Batman since the day you guys left, and Robin hasn't been seen since the day after. Mini hasn't been seen in over a week and hasn't came in for food. Although we found her kittens stashed away somewhere which she had just before she went missing.
Looks like we're catless again. Same as last years farmfest. :/
Looks like we're catless again. Same as last years farmfest. :/
wtf .. okay that's kinda fucked
oh ffs :/
Very odd. Stop stealing our cats!
the cats had too much booze
Not so odd, my cat hates it when there's a bunch of people around..
Our cats don't have a problem with people. It's when they leave that they go really weird. They just get really sad. :(
They went up the plastic! :/