Demomakers wanted.
category: general [glöplog]
We currently have some positions free in the DXM demolabs..
* Democoder
Sallary will be approx. 100$ / quality demo or 30$ for a gabber intro.
You will have to have minimum 3 years of experience in digital art programming and flamewars.
* Graphician
You will need to be able to master all 32 bits with photoshop or paint shop pro.
You will work for free, artists never make any money.
* 3D Graphician
Skills in 3dsmax or Maya required.
3+ years required in the demoscene, you will need to have "3D" in your nick.
Sallary: 50$ / Quality demo.
contact [email protected] for more info, or popinto at ircnet.
TPB also need more people, ofcourse they pay less because they dont need as much quality in their releases.
* Democoder
Sallary will be approx. 100$ / quality demo or 30$ for a gabber intro.
You will have to have minimum 3 years of experience in digital art programming and flamewars.
* Graphician
You will need to be able to master all 32 bits with photoshop or paint shop pro.
You will work for free, artists never make any money.
* 3D Graphician
Skills in 3dsmax or Maya required.
3+ years required in the demoscene, you will need to have "3D" in your nick.
Sallary: 50$ / Quality demo.
contact [email protected] for more info, or popinto at ircnet.
TPB also need more people, ofcourse they pay less because they dont need as much quality in their releases.
That's a very unprofessional statement, but we'll let it slide. Business is business.
it was made before we got investors from TPB.
oh, the demoscene is so commercialized nowadays, all those new popup demogroups, funded by investment companies. its all so bloated, a big bubble, ready to explode, the stock market will tremble. so many ppl, promising so much, but nothing gets done. its such a hype. all of it. and the flamewars, arent we all so tired of them, everywhere, where ever you look, another flamewar, they're in every paper and every newscast. the demoscene must die. the stock market will tremble. so many ppl, promising so much, but nothing gets done. its such a hype. all of it. and the flamewars, arent we all so tired of them, everywhere, where ever you look, another flamewar, they're in every paper and every newscast. the demoscene must die.
Wow! You 'r my heroz! That's were I'll get a job and get independent from my parents!!! Though, I only specialize in Z80 assembly :P
* Graphician
You will need to be able to master all 32 bits with photoshop or paint shop pro.
You will work for free, artists never make any money.
Yeah, right! GFX-artist are just ignored couse everybody thinks it's so easy to make art. Blah! Kick my nuts and go to hell, I say.
* Graphician
You will need to be able to master all 32 bits with photoshop or paint shop pro.
You will work for free, artists never make any money.
Yeah, right! GFX-artist are just ignored couse everybody thinks it's so easy to make art. Blah! Kick my nuts and go to hell, I say.
Kick your nuts? Is that a serious offer?!
Ouch....=/ A hardcore proposition.
shifter: yeah, sure you can, if you take everything seriously what is said to you ;) ... er... I sure hope you're not a serious-kind-of-person?
I'm taking offers that involve kicking other people in the nuts quite seriously, thank you very much!
I trust you'll come to Breakpoint? I sure hope so!
I trust you'll come to Breakpoint? I sure hope so!