Happy Halloween
category: general [glöplog]
Have a happy halloween today ;)
*goes to Halloween party dressed like Michael Moore in an hour*
*goes to Halloween party dressed like Michael Moore in an hour*
too cheap to buy a costume avseq01? :)
btw i'll show up as def p, jsyk
btw i'll show up as def p, jsyk
Oh screw you! :)
I will show up as rob is jarig.
Fuck Halloween
Dano: Dammit, I was going to write exactly the same thing, just in caps. :D So:
SagaMusix: Dammit, I was going to write exactly the same thing, just base64 encoded. :D So:
Who cares about Hallowen....
...when we have pouet right in front of our finger tips?
...when we have pouet right in front of our finger tips?
couldn't agree more
happy x-mas!
Make a demo about it.
what AVSequenz0r said !
except i´ve been in a spongebob-dress !
( for real? i got naked, painted black ( except head! ) and thought i would be some match ! head got red by itself btw! )
except i´ve been in a spongebob-dress !
( for real? i got naked, painted black ( except head! ) and thought i would be some match ! head got red by itself btw! )
but no girl turned me on :/
Then you're most likely gay, or just don't know english very well.
Gee, truely halloween today. Got just shocked real bad :( A guy just didn't stop placing space between punctuations

second parameter seems to be the answer !
also i could swear that crossbow-posting is my twin...atleast if some miiror is in my way....
second parameter seems to be the answer !
also i could swear that crossbow-posting is my twin...atleast if some miiror is in my way....
"but no girl turned me on :/"
implies I had no hit, i can choose you know ;)
most girls/women like me just for me being born somewhat beautiful ! I cant for, but as i can choose, none of em turned me on ! ( Tom Jones must be proud! )
"but no girl turned me on :/"
implies I had no hit, i can choose you know ;)
most girls/women like me just for me being born somewhat beautiful ! I cant for, but as i can choose, none of em turned me on ! ( Tom Jones must be proud! )
"but no girl turned me on :/"
implies I had no hit, i can choose you know ;)
No, it says you didn't find any of them attractive, not that none of them hit on you.
Well, that was a fantastic Halloween party and now I have a humongous hangover!
this gloom is a stranger to me ! ( atleast he doesnt get what i say ! )
he thinks the other way round all the time as it seems to me !
we both have to meet eachother first to have some conv going i guess !
he thinks the other way round all the time as it seems to me !
we both have to meet eachother first to have some conv going i guess !