Name that demo!
category: general [glöplog]
So vague, damnit but basically around 1998-2001, there was a demo I used to watch which all I can recall was purple texture mapped tunnel bit and cut out pictures of some chicks that basically bounced up from the bottom of the screen in time with the music?
Optimus? Anyone?
Optimus? Anyone?
Saulin penis ?
the frauen pausenlos trilogy ?
Except from the other suggestions, another demo with many girls I remember is Cod Liver Oil but I don't remember anything about the purple tunnel.
the frauen pausenlos suggestion seems most likely, next to that, you still owe me 20 cents, a beer and your sister's phonenumber, rc55
Tis neither of them. I think it's statix'y era. Late non-accel stuff.
Moar description!
a bit like sexadelic by byterapers but a darker soundtrack
I guess i'll hop on. 2 demos in fact
One was i think a 64k, DOS for sure, and had a scene of some points or something with a text "64k of personality" or something like that
The other one had both win and dos versions (or maybe the dos version ran fine under windows, i dont remember clearly) which i think had a globe and inside it would kind of unfold or maybe it was just zooming into, and it had a tree, but there was wireframe over everything, or at least for the beggining of the scene.
I saw both of these no later than 2002.
One was i think a 64k, DOS for sure, and had a scene of some points or something with a text "64k of personality" or something like that
The other one had both win and dos versions (or maybe the dos version ran fine under windows, i dont remember clearly) which i think had a globe and inside it would kind of unfold or maybe it was just zooming into, and it had a tree, but there was wireframe over everything, or at least for the beggining of the scene.
I saw both of these no later than 2002.
Vivid experiment at least has lots of girls...
Movi: I think that's getting closer dude, the second one that is. It very likely wasn't 64k.
movi, 2nd one: incyber by satori ?
venom : nope. The scene with the "planet" was in the very beggining, and i dont really remember what was afterwards. What i do remember that it had both a win and a dos executable (the dos one needed dos4gw) and that it was software ;].
To be honest i would really care more to find the first one. Isn't there a "search by scene poetry" option somewhere?
To be honest i would really care more to find the first one. Isn't there a "search by scene poetry" option somewhere?
After listening to Demovibes i found the 1st one -
Guess it wasn't 64kb. Big thanks to willbe for including that track!
Guess it wasn't 64kb. Big thanks to willbe for including that track!
It only took me 12 years but I found it!
And it was actually accellerated:
Future Colors by Contract
And it was actually accellerated:
Future Colors by Contract
at least you spent the last 12 years very useful!
but his sister may be not attractive anymore
come on now rutra80, ask yourself if you can do better
jk ruairi no offense intended :*
rutra80 np :) my sisters are aging gracefully! :P