Search SHAMUS for PC
category: general [glöplog]
This is one of the first games I ever played. Somebody know if there exists a PC version of it? It is from 1982 and was one of the best games till that date.

Found this about the coder:
you mean you're ashamed to talk about his/her sex reassignment surgery by making others stumble upon it in your link? :D
no, haven't seen it for pc yet, then again i never searched for it.
no, haven't seen it for pc yet, then again i never searched for it.
Not ashamed but very very surprised. Searched for PC versions of SHAME US and found this. :D Nevertheless, the game was great and she also will be a nice person. ;)
I had a pc-version of Shamus, with mighty CGA-graphics. Haven't got it anymore though :/
According to Mobygames that CGA version is a PC booter so you would probably need a floppy drive to run that one (if if still runs on modern PCs that is) and that would also mean you can't use a slowdown utility if that is needed. There are probably tools to fix those problems, but just using an emulator seems to be a better (and more colorful ;-) solution.
it's downloadable here It runs fine here in dosbox (just use the BOOT command on the shamus.img).
thank u :D