You did not know this
category: general [glöplog]
Physicists tell us that the physical body is an organized field of molecular vibrations existing within an atmosphere and universe of smaller, subatomic or quantum vibrations. Our universe of invisible quantum vibrations is referred to as the zero point field. In addition, our physical body's molecular vibratory structure has as its' substructure and foundation a smaller, quantum matrix of vibrations connected to and part of the zero point field. The common name for our human matrix of quantum vibrations is the aura. Traditional approaches to human health generally attempt to effect healing change at the molecular vibratory level. One of the numerous medical examples of attempts to effect healthy change at the molecular vibratory level is the bio-chemical effect of every prescription. Although traditional molecular approaches towards health have many effective applications, it fails to encompass the quantum vibratory matrix that is the foundation of the human being. Because of these facts, traditional medical approaches have many inherent limitations and many questions about human health and illness remain unanswered.

The two distinct colours of this woman's laser afro should give you something to think about.

The two distinct colours of this woman's laser afro should give you something to think about.
Thats not an afro. She just loves sticking her head between the ass cheeks of massive fat women sitting on a glass bench and taking photos from underneath.
THE MORE YOU KNOW..............
That's not an aura.

This is an aura.

This is an aura.
That's what LSD does to you..
xernobyl: of course. LoL
doom looks at pics of truck's mum?
zero point field for teh w1n!!!1
doom: I did "know" it. I read something like that about ten years ago when I was a little kid. It didn't include quantum physics, since that was not trendy yet.
What you have read is science mixed with spiritual mumbo-jumbo. Just post the pics in random image thread or demo'ish objects and shut up.
What you have read is science mixed with spiritual mumbo-jumbo. Just post the pics in random image thread or demo'ish objects and shut up.
Lalalalala What you don't know can't kill you lalalala... oooh... ? ? ? ERGHEGEHGWFUYGERIWHFURBIEUBWV&E*(Y@£H$(*RTUIH$NF@JFEIHUlk,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Bah, all that quantum physics nonsense, and they forgot to mention the DeBroglie wavelength. Pffft. That's REAL, and wacky.
i create a molecular vibrative aura around me when i fart.
I'm not one hundred per cent sure about it (...okay it's Pouet, not "Nature", guys...) but to me, it looks like a small "coronal discharge" created by flowing very faint currents through the human body (usually a few volts and very low amperage, or something). The atmospheric ions get some electrons in the process and give back the energy by radiating a very faint light, almost invisible. Still, if you have a camera sensible enough, and enough exposure time, you can get the aural glow.
Definitely not rocket science, neither magic. Something dubious in between... :)
For the record, zero-point field energy has never been harnessed yet. Officially. :)
Definitely not rocket science, neither magic. Something dubious in between... :)
For the record, zero-point field energy has never been harnessed yet. Officially. :)
I'm a psychology student, so I have a scientific outlook. My aunt, on the other hand, is very much into anything to do with auras and mystical energies etc. and she taught me to "see" auras. Speaking objectively, if I look at the edge of an object so that my attention is focused between the border and the "border" of the background, I see a band of dark glow (that's the best description I can put on it!). This artifact also follows moving objects or people.
I can't really explain it too well. Personally I believe it is an artefact of edge detection in visual perception first and foremost. Edge detection is a very involved complex of processes, and visual perception mechanisms are more used to looking _at_ objects rather than _between_ them. Therefore, crazy stuff probably happens when you force your attention to a hypothetical space between the boundaries of objects and the apparent boundaries of their backgrounds.
On the other hand, this wouldn't fully explain why some people seem to see bigger and more colourful auras, and not necessarily always when looking at object boundaries. Perhaps that is better explained by people's expectations to see different things based on their "hunch" about the characteristics of the person or object they're seeing. Visual perception and attention works fine most of the time, but visual illusions show us how easily they can be tricked by unusual situations. Training and prior beliefs may turn simple visual artifacts into amazing effects such as splendid auras.
TomS4wy3r: What you were talking about is very relevant too, and has been used as one theory of how Kirlian Photography 'works'. Fans of auras often cite Kirlian Photography as evidence for aura-like bio-fields.
I can't really explain it too well. Personally I believe it is an artefact of edge detection in visual perception first and foremost. Edge detection is a very involved complex of processes, and visual perception mechanisms are more used to looking _at_ objects rather than _between_ them. Therefore, crazy stuff probably happens when you force your attention to a hypothetical space between the boundaries of objects and the apparent boundaries of their backgrounds.
On the other hand, this wouldn't fully explain why some people seem to see bigger and more colourful auras, and not necessarily always when looking at object boundaries. Perhaps that is better explained by people's expectations to see different things based on their "hunch" about the characteristics of the person or object they're seeing. Visual perception and attention works fine most of the time, but visual illusions show us how easily they can be tricked by unusual situations. Training and prior beliefs may turn simple visual artifacts into amazing effects such as splendid auras.
TomS4wy3r: What you were talking about is very relevant too, and has been used as one theory of how Kirlian Photography 'works'. Fans of auras often cite Kirlian Photography as evidence for aura-like bio-fields.
This what happens at the "border":,-79.918799&spn=0.015539,0.027122&t=k&iwloc=addr
forestcre > Personally I believe it is an artefact of edge detection in visual perception first and foremost.
Beware when playing with boundary conditions of the human visual cortex... You may accidentally crash your neural software. =)
Beware when playing with boundary conditions of the human visual cortex... You may accidentally crash your neural software. =)
so is it ok to kill people with thinner auras?
@forestcre :
Maybe this is the aura effect?
Mach Bands.
Maybe this is the aura effect?
Mach Bands.
bingo! thanks loaderror :)