Character deformation for the dutch only?
category: general [glöplog]
So, alien (or someone else who's dutch) tell me the original story about this.
The news reporter in the picture is called "Tom Zeeleeuw".
Zeeleeuw means "Seal" in dutch.
Zeeleeuw means "Seal" in dutch.
yes.. he's the brother of Paul de Leeuw, but instead he did some marine training
This is Paul de Leeuw. He is a famous "Palingsound" singer (Palingsound is a typical dutch fishermen song)

"Hello greece, kalisperma everybody!"
you _know_ that eurovision is for homos only, gargaj? :D
not since Lordi opened the doors for equality and allowed straight people to watch!
damn, i always thought it was OK to vote for Lordi without actually watching the festival :(
oh it was, dont worry :)
i was in the train that night.. luckily someone's sister kept me up-to-date with some smses :D
"sperma"? "Esperma" it's "sperm" in Portuguese.
Wow - the fishermensongsinger looks just like all the dutch folks i met at several parties - i thought they just try to be cool, but they actually live like that there !
I has a basket!
ok since everybody is telling u BS here, i will tell u the truth:
The guy pictures in the newsitem photoshop is FRED EMMER. ("fred BUCKET" in engrish).
He was king of holland and changed the Constitunional law for smoking weed in holland. also he builded the Delta-werken, and is inventor of DELFTS'Blauw (another fine .nl export product.), has won many prices with the dutch sport called 'KlootViolen' oh and he presented the news here last millenium in 1870.
The guy pictures in the newsitem photoshop is FRED EMMER. ("fred BUCKET" in engrish).
He was king of holland and changed the Constitunional law for smoking weed in holland. also he builded the Delta-werken, and is inventor of DELFTS'Blauw (another fine .nl export product.), has won many prices with the dutch sport called 'KlootViolen' oh and he presented the news here last millenium in 1870.