.BZH - Bretagne wants to rip Boozoholics
category: general [glöplog]
Beware dear friends in BZH!
Bretagne, the French one, wants it's own .bzh domain
Besides being a cool extension for your webpage, this represents a threat to your social identity!!!1one Grasp your GPLs, CCs and salesmans and defend your rights!!! Or get a paid partytour promoting it \o/
Bretagne, the French one, wants it's own .bzh domain
Besides being a cool extension for your webpage, this represents a threat to your social identity!!!1one Grasp your GPLs, CCs and salesmans and defend your rights!!! Or get a paid partytour promoting it \o/
yeah, go on, fight against bretons. We, real french, don't like these arrogant separatists. They spend their time eating pancackes. If they want a domain, they can use ".pancake"
Yes! pancakes !!un

sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet <3
Why does BZH stands for Bretagne? I can only see a B in common... that remebers me: BASS!
Bretagne is breton is "Breizh". So now you know...
first 'is' should be 'in' of course... blah
I happen to know that this rabbit is now dead, and was called oolong.
rest in peace bunny. hope it was tasty...
I don't see why we should mind the region of Bretagne promoting us. As long as there's booze and madness, we'll live happily ever after.
plenty madness in Bretagne. unsure about the booze.
Bretagne is known as a well alcoolised place.
For example, according to one study I just looked up it's the second region of france with the highest rate of death before 65 related to alcoolism.
For example, according to one study I just looked up it's the second region of france with the highest rate of death before 65 related to alcoolism.
Also, according to another source, it's the first region of france with the highest number of intoxications for teenagers.
isn't it funny how many areas claim those kind of records? :)
kusma: you're too smart to take anything written on pouet too seriously...
kusma: you're too smart to take anything written on pouet too seriously...