beat this
category: general [glöplog]
Don't test me, mister!
beat him with a new edition of the arts!!
*** #pouet.net_bbs has been t4k30v3rized by mister piano roll !
talking about dominei having too much time on his hands: when's next pain due?
\o/ mYstReD TwYstDen lLaSeSr \o/
time to revive the 'annoyinguser'-policy! :))
even more twisted laser-action:

I'm sorry, I was drunk.
Don't challenge me,. oh no,.. no,.... no....... no.......... umade much more than what I had done once while drunken and pouet people wouldn't like another one ;P
You have challenged Optimus and woken the beast! Now we must all suffer the consequences!
(Hi optimus, good to see you're still around!)
(Hi optimus, good to see you're still around!)
Yes, I am still around and kicking! (Well,. possibly home at coding, not much here, but I am fine with that ;P)
Optimus got banned from for something like that... (iirc)

So many wavestations!
Now do the same using skrebbel's avatar :)
i can hardly wait!