Gays at The Party 93
category: general [glöplog]
Speaking of gay...

A famous french scener :)

A famous french scener :)
Is it him?

no :)
*hint* he worked for Alambik.
I just made the translation, nothing else. So it isn't me neither.
More transvestites please! :)
I met Ghandy/Scarab at The Party 1993
i think he is bi-sexual ;-)
i think he is bi-sexual ;-)
keops: SAI RAIZE!
kenet: SAI VRAI!
This must be one of the most revealing threads in Pouet ever ;v) Evil: About how many generations would you expect that it takes before all the gays are gone because of the "natural selection"? Hasn't happened in several thousands of years yet...
You don't have too be gay to give a friend a blowjob! ;)
Marq 3 letters for you: LOL
Just might be around the corner!
uhm, i hate to break this to you guys .. but you don't enherit your sexual preference from your parents..
if gays had gay dads... there would be no gays... right? o_O something ain't working out here, gemini :)
kelsey: artificial insemination

gemini : wrong, you inherit virginity from mother and infertility from your father...