
Be a (wo)man - give names

category: general [glöplog]
Can we just sort all these "pouet is a shitty forum because some childlish people are ruining it" postings under one (this) topic.

Just give the goddamn names! Obviously, the proposed "problem" isn't going to sort itself out with just some vague comments from people who probably haven't had more than a couple of beers within an our..EVER.

Feeding it to you with a silver spoon: If you got a problem with "this", you got a problem with someone. Tell us who.
*dump of "select name from users" here*
added on the 2004-10-14 00:12:07 by psenough psenough
added on the 2004-10-14 00:59:33 by okkie okkie
i think the forum can be closed anyway. the product db and the product comments are what counts.
added on the 2004-10-14 01:05:40 by dipswitch dipswitch
dip: why close it? you can still make comments, push dl links and all that :) Noone is forcing anyone :)
pouet is a forum?!
added on the 2004-10-14 08:57:55 by ninja ninja
dominei, ps, shane, dipswitch, lordgraga & ninja
(okkie rocks though)
added on the 2004-10-14 09:37:41 by havoc havoc
seals should be killed
added on the 2004-10-14 11:33:16 by el mal el mal
it's the jews!!
added on the 2004-10-14 16:10:27 by lithis lithis
added on the 2004-10-14 16:30:38 by kusma kusma
ps: what about a simple trigger on the usermenu "show bbs or not"
added on the 2004-10-14 16:48:23 by v3nom v3nom
everybody will be satisfied
added on the 2004-10-14 16:52:28 by v3nom v3nom
Dood this is the demoscene!!! we dont like eachother, and besides that, the scene is dead.
added on the 2004-10-14 17:37:28 by NoahR NoahR
BB Image
added on the 2004-10-14 18:08:21 by Shifter Shifter
the arrow's pointing to the wrong field. =)
added on the 2004-10-14 18:10:09 by dalezr dalezr
havoc: dork :D
dazley: why, how very perceptive of you ;)
added on the 2004-10-15 10:02:25 by Shifter Shifter
hey hey, ps you rock!!
added on the 2004-10-17 15:43:28 by v3nom v3nom
