
What's wrong with piracy?

category: general [glöplog]
Pirate Pete? Extremly funny! This can't be meant seriously, or? He should rename to Pirate Cancer maybe? ;-)
added on the 2004-09-29 16:33:39 by ghandy ghandy
no kidding. pirate pete, the christian privateer, was an enthusiastic tracker and used to frequent alt.music.mods actively, back when usenet was still hip. after a point he disappeared for something like a year and returned then to tell them he'd had some diseases or such and could hardly see anymore. some years after he died of cancer. the guy was conflicting with every normal sense of hipness, but his intentions were okay i guess. pirate pete, for instance, used to start all his posts with phrases like "yee-harr, maties!" and such.
added on the 2004-09-29 17:15:14 by skrebbel skrebbel
he was a very sucky musician, also, and sometimes sounded like he could have written the famous "is your son a computer hacker" article singlehandedly.
added on the 2004-09-29 17:20:58 by skrebbel skrebbel
Fair points, my bad, I guess I was too straight not to buy my Xenon II etc legally :-) I enjoyed many fine demos but they weren't cracktros.

@Okkie: I didn't realise this was a warez site as well - where are they? J/K of course I don't.
added on the 2004-09-29 17:41:27 by jima jima
there *ARE* warez on this site! but they are hidden, you need to have at *LEAST* 1000 glops to get access to these 0-day warez!!

/me goes back to downloading 'Spiderman-3.VERY.EARLY.VERSION.[DVDSCREENER].ROFL.avi'
added on the 2004-09-29 17:53:57 by okkie okkie
how many glöps for werkkzeug3.beta-theprodukkt ?
added on the 2004-09-29 18:02:29 by Zest Zest
okkie: 1024 ;)
added on the 2004-09-29 18:20:19 by psenough psenough
real pirates floor numbers!
added on the 2004-09-29 20:19:33 by el mal el mal
Hmmm, I forgot why I started this thread. I don't care about piracy either way personally. :)
Okkie, is that the FS or Widescreen? If it's the FS I don't want it because it's FS.

added on the 2004-09-30 02:05:33 by Shifter Shifter
greetings to WAREZ CREWS
fucking to DUTCH IDIOTS
I have nothing against warez, what pisses me off is that the warez scene used to be that... a scene, you had to be in it (or have someone in it) in order to actually get the warez. Now every kid can leech his ass off edonkey/torrent/etc without contributing in any way.
added on the 2004-09-30 04:53:29 by panoramix panoramix
i used to get turbotapes without contributing...
added on the 2004-09-30 07:34:23 by hollowman hollowman
greetings to WAREZ CREWS
fucking to DUTCH IDIOTS

i love you!
added on the 2004-09-30 10:00:26 by okkie okkie
what about dutch idiots in warez crews?
added on the 2004-09-30 18:21:33 by el mal el mal

added on the 2004-09-30 18:57:37 by superplek superplek
What's generally spoken so wrong with the dutch people?? But I always do the same mistake and take you too serious, that's not good. Just go on, insult everybody who's not sharing your opinion and have fun. Amiga=cancer? Amiga rocks, sucker!
added on the 2004-09-30 23:26:41 by ghandy ghandy
