Need help to recognize music
category: general [glöplog]
Hi all.
I have some part of music from intro or something like.
I don't know author, name of the intro, I don't know anything about it.
Can you help me to recognize intro?
Video on youtube: YPapECZL8vU
I have some part of music from intro or something like.
I don't know author, name of the intro, I don't know anything about it.
Can you help me to recognize intro?
Video on youtube: YPapECZL8vU
Reminds me of Rage - Robotnik
Sounds like something off the Dee musicdisks.
this too [lin / [k]
legend helsinki crates sound lollerously
legend helsinki crates sound lollerously
this 6829
This is it! Thank you!
Thanks all for your help, you're all breathtaking!