NOVA 2023 | June 23-25 | Budleigh Salterton, UK
category: parties [glöplog]
Hoffman, d0pefish, Kris, Polynomial, Spiny and Ruairi (rc55) are looking forward to welcoming everyone back to Budleigh Salterton Public Hall.
What a year for parties eh? The scene is spoilt for choice, and we humbly put our hat in the ring for another proper throwdown in the South West of the UK. It'd be triffic to see you there!
Our proper ultra-hot website is coming VERY soon but you can sign up for the time being here: ♥
What a year for parties eh? The scene is spoilt for choice, and we humbly put our hat in the ring for another proper throwdown in the South West of the UK. It'd be triffic to see you there!
Our proper ultra-hot website is coming VERY soon but you can sign up for the time being here: ♥
Let's goooooo! 🦝
2.5 hr drive incoming :)
back to the pebbly beach of budleigh :)
I've registered, not received an email yet.
BTW, is anyone going who can bring along an oric atmos?
BTW, is anyone going who can bring along an oric atmos?
Xeron: All the emails are manual so I'll be doing them in batches - no doubt I've got your registration and looking forward to seeing you. It's still me behind the inbox for the time being. :)
Ok cool 👍
I've bitten the bullet and bought an oric on ebay. They're a lot more expensive these days compared to when I used to collect old machines 😳
But it does mean I'll have real hw for my demo.
But it does mean I'll have real hw for my demo.
I have got the invitation. I am busy preparing my own demoparty, but I will try and bring some prod on NOVA.
Oh, you've had to choose the Glastonbury weekend again :)
Anyone in need of transfer from Bristol Airport on Friday evening just let m know - 3-4 seats available.
Anyone in need of transfer from Bristol Airport on Friday evening just let m know - 3-4 seats available.
My Oric arrived! I can now test on real hardware.

I'm somewhat concerned about having to provide a capture as I have no means to do so. Could someone help me capture my demo from real hardware at the party?
I have a SCART adaptor to get decent RGB out, but the audio has to be routed separately; it has an inbuilt beeper, but you can get the AY audio from pin 4 or 5 of the tape port..

I'm somewhat concerned about having to provide a capture as I have no means to do so. Could someone help me capture my demo from real hardware at the party?
I have a SCART adaptor to get decent RGB out, but the audio has to be routed separately; it has an inbuilt beeper, but you can get the AY audio from pin 4 or 5 of the tape port..
Could someone help me capture my demo from real hardware at the party?
Yup, happy to help with that - pretty sure that collectively we have all the necessary bits to do a SCART capture (and the means to hack up audio cables if necessary).
Oh fantastic, thanks!
1 week to go!
Getting quite excited about going to a party again. The last one I went to was Sundown 200.
Getting quite excited about going to a party again. The last one I went to was Sundown 200.
2005 even
Sundown 200 sounds more like the last party I went to..
Proper timetable when?
Sexy arrowkeys on that machine!
For the Oric capture, assuming he is using the RetroComputerShack SCART cable, something like the OSSC would work just fine to capture the video, but the Oric does not output sound on the SCART, so you need to pick-the sound on the two pins of the tape output (it's a DIN 7, pins 4 and 5 have the sound, and 2 is the ground - see in the Oric Atmos manual page for details)
So, is the livestream gonna happen?
@dbug: Check your DMs (on twitter and/or defence force ;-)