
Giving away GB Transferer II flash cart

category: general [glöplog]
I'm giving away a GB Transferer 2 and its 32 Mb flash cart. It's a flash cart for GameBoy Color and DMG-01. It requires a parallel port and probably an old Windows version so it's not super convenient. Anyway, if you're interested send an email to [email protected]. You'll need to pay for shipping.

BB Image

More info about the gadget: http://www.hkems.com/product/gb/gba-tr.htm
You'll get two units because one is broken but I can't remember which one 😅
added on the 2021-11-12 18:33:57 by cce cce
It can also be used to backup cartridges including save files.
added on the 2021-11-12 18:35:17 by cce cce
Taken. :) will be useful for extra testing down the line.
added on the 2021-11-19 17:51:37 by MuffinHop MuffinHop
