
GOTO80 live in Strasbourg, France - 21.09.2019

category: parties [glöplog]
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Yo, dear friends.
With some Strasbourg Titan friends, and not in Titan friends too, we're organising a concert, in some hidden place, on the 21st of September.
You're all invited to come, the party will start at 4PM, and will finish we don't know when.
If you wanna come, since the place's address cannot be written, just write me a mail on wh-at-thefuck-dot-eu. I'll give you my phone number and we'll have a call.
So, what's planned is the following:
Beer to beer at 4PM (copyparty).
Demoshow at 6PM.
Barbecue all the evening, vegan and meat.
Pong competition on giant screen.
DJ sets starting at 8-9PM.
GOTO80 live around midnight.
DJ sets afterwards, all night long.
Entrance fee is "give what you want" and beers at 2.
added on the 2019-09-05 16:05:19 by iks iks
b2b (beer to beer)
ARCADES??? You mean akado gamu? Woaaaah!!! 8°... 8D.....
Would love to come, Iks... Ltns, dude!!!
Geez, already taken this day...=/...

But... ARCADES..... Man... What gamu? Capcom? Irem? Taito? CAVE =P ????
But anywayZ, can't be there...

Kudos for the orga!
added on the 2019-09-06 21:53:43 by sim sim
sounds cool, sad i'm not close, have fun!
added on the 2019-09-07 04:56:24 by psenough psenough
Cool news. I will probably be there!
added on the 2019-09-10 21:34:35 by Hicks Hicks
Count me in too.
added on the 2019-09-11 18:13:54 by toms toms
that's some good news! glad to have you around guys :)
added on the 2019-09-12 10:16:58 by iks iks
@iks: a way to contact you?
added on the 2019-09-14 22:06:40 by Hicks Hicks
Hicks: #titandemo on EFnet :p
added on the 2019-09-15 02:06:10 by porocyon porocyon
Thanks neoman & porocyon, I succeeded :)
added on the 2019-09-15 21:59:37 by Hicks Hicks
In two days! We're in a rush gathering beers and wares for the party. Hope to see you all there :)
added on the 2019-09-19 17:44:12 by iks iks
