
Assembly Summer 2019 - August 1st to 4th

category: parties [glöplog]
Serpent: not yet, but they weren't very quick last year either. I'm not yet worrying about somebody absconding with Assembly's piggy bank :)
added on the 2019-09-21 22:17:30 by Seven Seven
We will definitely pay the prize money. Collecting all the necessary info is slow and so is bureaucracy after it. I try to figure out some better way to do this next year so we could pay the prizes faster.
added on the 2019-09-22 18:41:18 by rimina rimina
Maybe paying via Paypal should be a thing. Quick and easy, avoid all banking bureacracy and banking politics (particularly in relation to UK banks, but that's another subject altogether) ...
added on the 2019-09-22 22:03:20 by Felice Felice
Yes, asking more to ensure co-op partner(s) that i haven't got the prize either :)
added on the 2019-09-23 04:48:46 by Serpent Serpent
Just pay the prizes already :) It used to be an envelope at the party place - this is not admirable progress.
added on the 2019-09-23 23:15:23 by Mazor Mazor
Mazor: I suspect the switch to electronic payments is because of legal reasons, anti-money laundering or such. Assembly is huge (over 10K visitors this year I heard) and the demoscene is just a small part of it, so I can certainly understand them wanting to follow the letter of the law instead of risking the entire event for the convenience of the winners.
added on the 2019-09-25 17:39:08 by Seven Seven
Mazor: I suspect the switch to electronic payments is because of legal reasons, anti-money laundering or such. Assembly is huge (over 10K visitors this year I heard) and the demoscene is just a small part of it, so I can certainly understand them wanting to follow the letter of the law instead of risking the entire event for the convenience of the winners.


The prizes should be processed and paid tomorrow. We still don't have information from all the winners which is a shame but we pay for those who's info we got.
added on the 2019-09-30 19:43:53 by rimina rimina
