
Hotel for Revision 2018

category: parties [glöplog]
Dear sceners,

Accidentally I booked several places in Saarbrucken, and I have one extra hotel for two people. Booking.com says "This booking is low rate – no money back. If this booking is canceled, or in case of a no-show, the total price of this reservation will be charged."
Thus my plan to share it here if someone will need a hotel in 10 minutes walk to Revision's party place.

Thursday, March 29, 2018
3:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Monday, April 2, 2018
6:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Thank you,
[email protected]
added on the 2018-03-21 10:08:16 by keen keen
How much Mr. keen?
added on the 2018-03-21 12:51:07 by rc55 rc55
BB Image
added on the 2018-03-21 13:41:34 by keen keen
ID's and PINs... not the greatest post ever.
added on the 2018-03-21 19:51:17 by thec thec
Yeah perhaps a good idea to delete that picture you uploaded and obfuscate some of the details.
added on the 2018-03-22 00:49:43 by dodke dodke
who will be the first one to try and check in for free? ;)
added on the 2018-03-22 01:27:43 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
It is locked on my name. If you have my passport you can try ;).
So, who need a hotel for Revision?
added on the 2018-03-22 04:14:54 by keen keen
TIL: revision is a hotel

added on the 2018-03-22 06:49:33 by m0d m0d
It's an apartament, not a hotel. I've never been asked by a private owner to show any ID. Anybody can call them now and arrange how to get the keys (sometimes they're just left in a post box and you don't even meet a person), so people are right you shouldn't publish the details.

Besides, I wouldn't call it "low rate". We paid a similar amount for a 6-person flat. Unless, of course, somebody needs it this late, then it's a bargain ;).
added on the 2018-03-22 09:24:50 by Fei Fei
