Looking for svg editor
category: gfx [glöplog]
Yeah like the title says, I'm looking for a vector graphics editor (svg or any format really) that
(a) supports a pressure sensitive tablet (Wacom, etc), and
(b) does not follow a "page" metaphor and is intended for making on-screen graphics rather than printing
Note that (b) rules out Inkscape, Illustrator, CorelDraw, etc.
Something like a vector version of Krita would be awesome. :)
So! Now that I've narrowed it down to virtually nothing, suggestions?
(a) supports a pressure sensitive tablet (Wacom, etc), and
(b) does not follow a "page" metaphor and is intended for making on-screen graphics rather than printing
Note that (b) rules out Inkscape, Illustrator, CorelDraw, etc.
Something like a vector version of Krita would be awesome. :)
So! Now that I've narrowed it down to virtually nothing, suggestions?
You have a wrong approach. Technology is not serving human beings, quite the opposite. Take traditional pen and paper, that's all you need. :)
Why does the page metaphor prevent you from using them?
A good question.
Idk about pressure sensitivity... What exactly would that do?
Also, Sketch is an alternative
but i wouldn't say they use a page metaphor. they simply have a canvas that is the exportable region for something like an image. In most editors i imagine (like Inkscape) you can draw wherever you want and export that selection. Also, you can resize the canvas so it's not in the shape of a page
Also, Sketch is an alternative
but i wouldn't say they use a page metaphor. they simply have a canvas that is the exportable region for something like an image. In most editors i imagine (like Inkscape) you can draw wherever you want and export that selection. Also, you can resize the canvas so it's not in the shape of a page
Year X everything just worked, now me must fight back....
I meant WE!
Why does the page metaphor prevent you from using them?
It's annoying. It's like hammering a nail in with a spanner; it works, but the tool was intended for something else.
I'm after something with RGB color space rather than CMYK space, an 'infinite canvas' (draw wherever you want - no "off the page" to deal with) and arbitrary units (not "cm" or "inches") that can be divided up however is needed.
I guess I want 2D Blender with freehand. Surely something like that must exist?
Idk about pressure sensitivity... What exactly would that do?
Pressure sensitivity = press harder on the tablet pen, get different line weight. Just about everything since the '90s supports it.
Sketch looks interesting, have to check it out further ...
Sounds like you're better off quickly prototyping something out in OpenGL in an hour that is tailored to your needs.
Gargaj, tailoring is always better! :)
You could ask paniq what he used for http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=25864 and http://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=50131 - they're all SVG.
Inkscape, IIRC, but that's also following the "page"-paradigm.
Short of writing your own unbounded vector editor (well, bounded to floating point precision), Inkscape/other + some post-processing in something else might be the best way.
I'd like to see a vector editor built using an arbitrary-precision math library. Then you could deep-zoom until you ran out of memory.
I'd like to see a vector editor built using an arbitrary-precision math library. Then you could deep-zoom until you ran out of memory.
What´s the problem with the page paradigm? Just set up a huge sheet and shrink it once you´re finished.
Or if you reach the border just select all objects and relocate them t a more appropriate area.
Not that different from pixel graphics - in fact, pixel editors often do not allow to draw bexond borders while vector editors normally do.(might be invisible, but gets visible again when moved into the drawing area).
Pressure sensitivity is somewhat awkward with todays vector formats - all vector formats or apis I know so far allow only a constant line width, thus any support of pressure sensitivity ends up in producing variable width lines using areas instead. Rather awkward to edit afterwards.
Or if you reach the border just select all objects and relocate them t a more appropriate area.
Not that different from pixel graphics - in fact, pixel editors often do not allow to draw bexond borders while vector editors normally do.(might be invisible, but gets visible again when moved into the drawing area).
Pressure sensitivity is somewhat awkward with todays vector formats - all vector formats or apis I know so far allow only a constant line width, thus any support of pressure sensitivity ends up in producing variable width lines using areas instead. Rather awkward to edit afterwards.
Inkscape. Dunno if there's a windows port but worth a look.
Did you even bother reading the first post?
jmph, when i say what would that do, a vector editor is for making shapes, not drawing

don't be a slave to the man, maaaaaaaaan!
CobaltHex: Why stick to idioms someone made up a long time ago? What does a vector inherently do that makes it only suitable for drawing shapes? Why would you restrict yourself to that?
Did you even bother reading the first post?
Humour & pisstaking isn't your strong suite is it?
On a serious note - @jmph, if this is a one off thing - http://www.useragentman.com/blog/2013/04/26/how-to-create-svg-paths-easily-using-the-gimp/