
Where to send my logo for the top of pouet?

category: general [glöplog]
Almost 3 months ago I sent my logo to the webmaster mail address but I got no reply and it wasn't added yet.

So what to do? Or was it a contest which is over now?
added on the 2004-04-20 13:32:20 by freeze freeze
if you refresh the page a couple of times you can read the following:

logo done by ... :: send yours to basile and be a popstar !

email is [email protected]
added on the 2004-04-20 13:46:09 by Gargaj Gargaj

Now I remember clearly. I send my logo to that email address, not the [email protected]... strange anyway cause I didn't receive a reply either. But let's give it another try. Thanks!
added on the 2004-04-20 13:55:51 by freeze freeze
freeze, it usually takes up to half a year for your logo to get into rotation. =)
added on the 2004-04-20 13:58:22 by dalezr dalezr
logo done by ___ :: pouët.net is hosted on the unstable scene.org servers
added on the 2004-04-20 14:27:41 by apricot apricot
do they also accept logos containing a petscii penis? :-)
well it'll take years for the logos to be added. I still have two logos in the que
added on the 2004-04-20 22:25:05 by elend elend
Ever feel lilke you've been abandoned by your website admin?
Website admin? There is a live website admin here? I thought that this site was an ancient relic, abandoned in the mists of time...
added on the 2004-04-21 06:34:36 by s_tec s_tec
I also have a logo pending...wonder how much are in the queue before me! ;)
added on the 2004-04-21 12:32:07 by Raven^NCE Raven^NCE
