HACKERS demogroup
category: general [glöplog]
I wish my daddy was a cool as HACKERS.
That image is pure visual tone poetry in motion distilled into petscii
If Pouet had an option to thumb up a post, I'd do it for The Architect's previous one.
and it even has a few unused pages, nice!
Its been rumored that hackers is in fact some dudes from mfx and one dude from adapt.
Dont believe the rumors! (Or hype)
Dont believe the rumors! (Or hype)
Having been to Miami myself, and hung around with the members of Hackers, I can neither confirm nor deny this rumor.
they're new in town as far as I can tell
spotted two in a bathroom stall off the autostrada dei laghi earlier this summer
spotted two in a bathroom stall off the autostrada dei laghi earlier this summer

According to recent IRC discussions, HACKERS are not Finnish but actually a collaboration of five Mexican-Argentinian sceners who pretend they're Finnish by putting random Finnish words in their shader code. A certain scener under the moniker of "Zombrero" acted very suspicious when i asked him if he had anything to do with HACKERS, so that is at least one of the five sceners sorted out. More updates on my investigation shall follow!
at tinfoil4eva forums notashill57 said they are CIA..so be aware!!!
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.”
—G. Brock Chisholm, co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health, former director of UN World Health Organization
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men, their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas.”
—G. Brock Chisholm, co-founder of the World Federation for Mental Health, former director of UN World Health Organization
Also, in the early 90s they released several demos under the name YACKERS together with two bovine friends from Nepal. Recurring elements in these demos were: mountains, sour skim milk, mythical references to the existence of the Yeti and pictures of upside-down pagodas. Sadly most of those executables are gone when a Nepalese server got lost in a landslide in 1997.
That should be Mexican-Afghanistan #1 err...
One thing for sure: They're pretty cool.
Under these accusations I cannot help but admit that, yes, I used to be (still am?) part of the Hackers demo group. It's not something I'm too proud of.
Me and my friend Juan (Beast^Metal) were recruited to handle swapping in Latin America. I still lived in Córdoba at the time (late eighties, maybe '88?) but Beast had moved to Juárez, Mexico after his then girlfriend. The plan was that we spread Hackers productions to local dealers and get some hard to find Asian products (visual novels, zetadisks) in exchange but the interest turned out to be very small. Maybe it was because of the language barrier? Anyway, one day I get a call from US and almost get a heart attack (international calls were very expensive!) - it's Ash himself! He tells me they've got some really interesting offers they want me to handle since they trust me more than some shady warez folks. I barely managed to tell him "Yes!" and a week later a cassette (or so I thought!) arrives in mail. It had some really exotic cover art (kamasutra robots anyone??) but turns out it was full of Paco. Yes, that's cocaine and yes the Hackers guys wanted ME to mail it to Mexico to Juan for US import! I had to call Ash back and tell them I'm out and not to contact me again and luckily they had another guy come to pick up the package from me. I don't want to imagine what would've happened if I had followed my instinct and washed that crap down the drain.
I haven't been in any contact with them since. The demonstration tapes were always the best, though.
Me and my friend Juan (Beast^Metal) were recruited to handle swapping in Latin America. I still lived in Córdoba at the time (late eighties, maybe '88?) but Beast had moved to Juárez, Mexico after his then girlfriend. The plan was that we spread Hackers productions to local dealers and get some hard to find Asian products (visual novels, zetadisks) in exchange but the interest turned out to be very small. Maybe it was because of the language barrier? Anyway, one day I get a call from US and almost get a heart attack (international calls were very expensive!) - it's Ash himself! He tells me they've got some really interesting offers they want me to handle since they trust me more than some shady warez folks. I barely managed to tell him "Yes!" and a week later a cassette (or so I thought!) arrives in mail. It had some really exotic cover art (kamasutra robots anyone??) but turns out it was full of Paco. Yes, that's cocaine and yes the Hackers guys wanted ME to mail it to Mexico to Juan for US import! I had to call Ash back and tell them I'm out and not to contact me again and luckily they had another guy come to pick up the package from me. I don't want to imagine what would've happened if I had followed my instinct and washed that crap down the drain.
I haven't been in any contact with them since. The demonstration tapes were always the best, though.
Pretty sure that's referring to Hajime Sorayama's work.
@AcidPhreak: now that's a good 80s story. I want more.
80's was the shit.
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