
Favorite resources on flocking?

category: code [glöplog]
Hi folks.

What are your favorite resources on flocking? This may include:
1) Academic papers
2) Demos that use this
3) Code examples

So far the only work I am strongly aware of are two physics papers, a paper on crowd dynamics, and work by Flight404, which I have shared with a coder collaborator on a project. I would like to assist him in uncovering additional resources, hence I am opening this thread. A Pouet BBS search came up with nada.
added on the 2015-01-20 15:00:35 by smash smash
<3 smash.
added on the 2015-01-20 15:01:41 by las las
precalc with houdini!
added on the 2015-01-20 15:03:02 by el mal el mal
First thing that comes to mind: https://github.com/AquariaOSE/Aquaria/blob/master/Aquaria/SchoolFish.cpp, but this code is quite fishy. Better make your own!
added on the 2015-01-20 18:14:39 by fgenesis fgenesis
Check this: Steering Behaviours for Autonomous Characters

Paper in pdf format.

Maybe not exactly what you are looking for, but it's closely related. You will probably find it interesting.

Happy coding.
added on the 2015-01-21 11:02:24 by ham ham
added on the 2015-02-06 18:05:33 by e64 e64
