Random netlabel/netaudio release
category: music [glöplog]
Kaneel - thanks for the link to the album from Relative Q. Awesome stuff!
Be sure to get all his works. He's also a member of chill productions ( http://chillproductions.com/ ), lots of cool sounds there, be sure to check quasimojo / dean williams, he's half of Original Recipe.
And don't forget the petite&jolie xmas 2009 compilation, relative q is featuring!
And don't forget the petite&jolie xmas 2009 compilation, relative q is featuring!
in other news, i've joined ps in his grand quest for world domination, yay! a bigger release to celebrate this:
v/a - no-r-mal ii - 71 tracks from 71 artists on 6 cds of experimental music.
v/a - no-r-mal ii - 71 tracks from 71 artists on 6 cds of experimental music.
Kaneel - thanks for the links! Some really great stuff here!
:) yea, great stuff here in this thread. keep 'em coming!
I'll throw in 4mat's 30days30songs .. now that's some serious fast-tracking skills ..!
I'll throw in 4mat's 30days30songs .. now that's some serious fast-tracking skills ..!

http://soundcloud.com/kaneel/les-maux-oublies which sould have been in my latest album actually...
Digital Mass - Constant 28 [treetrunk122] - drone, very hypnotising and time dissolving.
Well, that's been a while since my last visit here. Thankfully, some personal issues have been solved by this time.
AAGSF - Sinobia 2 - space ambient
Ujin - Galaxies - detroit techno
[url=http://www.archive.org/download/afm107_darksoulsday_x-lives/afm107_darksoulsday_x-lives_320kb_mp3.zip]Dark Souls Day - X-Lives] - gothic rock
AAGSF - Sinobia 2 - space ambient
Ujin - Galaxies - detroit techno
[url=http://www.archive.org/download/afm107_darksoulsday_x-lives/afm107_darksoulsday_x-lives_320kb_mp3.zip]Dark Souls Day - X-Lives] - gothic rock
Dark Souls Day - X-Lives - gothic rock
this spheric launge track is playing here now and it is wonderful, thanks for the post.
the starfields song is very cool and makes me wanna hear the whole thing.
go go gadget-o 4mat!
go go gadget-o 4mat!
@r13, this is what you get from the dark souls day link(s):
"We’re sorry, the page you have requested is not available. "
"We’re sorry, the page you have requested is not available. "
thx pista :)
[url=http://www.archive.org/download/SplitterkorRekordsDziwko/001.zip]Various Artists - Mainstream Must Die[/ur] - extreme techno/speedcore
[url=http://www.archive.org/download/SplitterkorRekordsDziwko/001.zip]Various Artists - Mainstream Must Die[/ur] - extreme techno/speedcore
Wtf: http://www.enoughrecords.scene.org/#
This has loads of stuff. Is this hosted on scene.org?!
This has loads of stuff. Is this hosted on scene.org?!
rare: yep. http://scene.org/~ps/enough ;) we're migrating to enoughrecords.org within the next months though.