
AI art in compos

category: general [glöplog]
I'm not ready for diffusion model porn tbh xD
* Prompts. I don't like to transmit this kind of information an me over the interwebs with all the data grinds n stuff
* Wait for uncanny AI pornlike fuckups when the model doesn't associate anything with the prompt
* We're still at "Only images, no videos" technology wise, why would I want this
* Inb4 stunningly realistic porn images of [famous actor X] they didn't make and all the boring implications.
added on the 2022-12-22 13:05:27 by NR4 NR4
I'm glad the first adjective that comes to your mind about the implications is "boring".
added on the 2022-12-22 13:10:26 by Gargaj Gargaj
can this AI porn generator do 16/32 colour pixelart? (asking for a friend)
added on the 2022-12-22 13:19:14 by havoc havoc
finally i can beat the salmon to naked women with 3 arms...
added on the 2022-12-22 13:21:31 by el mal el mal
No, you got it all wrong. AI doesn't mean that you'd be getting any extra arms.
added on the 2022-12-22 15:02:04 by yzi yzi
Kickstarter must, and will always be, on the side of creative work and the humans behind that work.

Even AI’s are programmed by humans. So the art that comes from these AI’s is technically produced by humans.

The interesting question is, who is the creator of these artworks which are technically remixes or mashups. The programmers of the AI, the people behind the remixes artworks, the person who typed the input-words or the AI itself?
added on the 2022-12-22 15:31:54 by gaspode gaspode
replace "AI" with "icecream maker" and you'll answer your own question(s)
added on the 2022-12-22 15:43:02 by el mal el mal

AI could be used maybe in a separate Competition. It´s there and it won´t go away anymore. I like what this KI is able to do but i also see strongly the point of "handcrafted vs ki or ki enhanced.

IS it art.... well, it is but it hasn´t the same value like a pixel / painter artist has. We could ban it, ignore it but as said, it won´t go. Let´s deal with it as a seperate section i would say.
IS it art.... well, it is but it hasn´t the same value like a pixel / painter artist has.

That's the question. If an pixel-artist just copies Boris Vallejo für the 1000th time it has no more value to me than an AI »copying« pixel-art.
added on the 2022-12-22 18:30:01 by gaspode gaspode
it is a misconception that if something is art it would be more valuable than something which is not art. art is not a definition of value.
a doodle by 2 year old is as much "art" as mona lisa or some output from an AI.
they all have different historical, artistic, esthetic, financial etc values of course.
added on the 2022-12-22 20:52:44 by nosfe nosfe
If it's art, who made it? Are you the artist, or did you just commission it?
added on the 2022-12-22 21:19:43 by Gargaj Gargaj
if you use a hammer to hit a nail into the wall who is putting the nail into the wall?
added on the 2022-12-22 21:27:39 by nosfe nosfe
Quite likely the crew of people that admire nails inside walls is not exactly the same crew of people who admires the process of putting nails into walls?

(do these crews even exist?)
added on the 2022-12-22 21:52:49 by qm210 qm210
Typing a prompt and get some image out is the same as asking somebody to paint/sculpt something based on your description.
It does not make you an artist.

Claiming to be an "AI artist" is equal to shouting out loud "look mom, i can type text on a keyboard"

The question if it should have compos can be answered by taking other relatively "low effort" compos, e.g. photo compos (yes, exceptions there, but for the most part its low effort)
added on the 2022-12-23 09:50:02 by gopher gopher
Nosfe: I think I agree .. art is anything that provokes, asks a question or prompts reflection, and AI stuff very much does that. But AI art is not just art, it’s commerce on a massive scale.. it’s industrial .. and it’s noise! It’s a representation of art.. a facade.. faux-art, it’s not art itself. At least that’s what I want to say right now.

Prompt: “nail in wall” - proceed to generate infinite nails in walls. You didnt put any if them into the wall, you just asked that it be done.
added on the 2022-12-23 10:25:40 by farfar farfar
ah, 'nail in the wall' is a better analogy than my 'icecream maker'... that's how i see it too... with the addition that pressing a button doesn't make you a respectable peer artist/chef who mastered the fine arts properly, so AI artists are their own caste somewhere at the bottom of things :P
added on the 2022-12-23 12:18:20 by el mal el mal
This discussion seems kinda similiar to the "Unity vs self-written engine?" question. The lower mechanical effort required to produce something is not popular.

I'd say, if you can make something beautiful by describing a nail to a giant tensor equation then please do. Bonus points if you designed the tensor equation yourself.

But please don't flood me with uncanny low-quality results of said equation.
Same thing as using raymarching artifacts as "effect". They're not. They're ugly bugs and you should fix them.
added on the 2022-12-23 12:21:42 by NR4 NR4
Typing a prompt and get some image out is the same as asking somebody to paint/sculpt something based on your description.

that definition nails it for me.
added on the 2022-12-23 15:08:37 by smash smash
This discussion seems kinda similiar to the "Unity vs self-written engine?" question. The lower mechanical effort required to produce something is not popular.

quite the opposite. whereas unity or a self-written engine is but a hammer, you still have to artistically nail it (pun intended) :P
added on the 2022-12-23 16:07:32 by el mal el mal
Typing a prompt and get some image out is the same as asking somebody to paint/sculpt something based on your description.

no, an algorithm is not a person that does artistic work and thus it is at all the same thing.

It does not make you an artist.

the decision to create something makes one an artist, no matter what tools are used and how much effort is put into it.
added on the 2022-12-23 23:23:46 by nosfe nosfe
the decision to create something makes one an artist, no matter what tools are used and how much effort is put into it.

BB Image
added on the 2022-12-23 23:35:33 by gaspode gaspode
Typing a prompt and get some image out is the same as asking somebody to paint/sculpt something based on your description. It does not make you an artist.

But it does.... What it does not make you is an artisan, a craftsman, somebody that creates artifacts of aesthetic value. An artist on the other hand is somebody that creates meaning, and doesn't necessarily need to apply a craft.

Example -- an animation director's job is not to animate, but quite literally "ask somebody to paint something based on their description", and definitely is an artists.
added on the 2022-12-24 01:53:42 by iq iq
Painting something doesn't make you an artist. Playing notes on a piano doesn't make you an artist. Writing text doesn't make you an artist. Writing code doesn't make you an artist. Speaking words doesn't make you an artist. Drawing pixels doesn't make you an artist. Blah blah blah doesn't make you an artist.

But if you make blah blah blah an art, then that makes you an artist.
added on the 2022-12-24 03:02:30 by yzi yzi
the decision to create something makes one an artist, no matter what tools are used and how much effort is put into it.

I would say the decisions you make •during the creation• of something is what makes you creative. With AI, those decisions are not made by you - they’re made FOR you. In effect, you’re just a client.
added on the 2022-12-24 08:48:45 by farfar farfar
Although this argument does break at the seams as soon as you start to guide the AI, choose which drafts to continue iterating on, which amendments to make, etc.
added on the 2022-12-24 08:51:14 by farfar farfar
