
Sincere apologies

category: general [glöplog]
it was not a flaw in your discussion. nor was i distorting anything.

we simply explained why you are very unintresting for us in the whole and why we dont give a fuck about your prods or selfproclaimed "rights".

simple as that!
added on the 2005-04-02 18:00:18 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
thank you for illustrating it so clearly, i had already established that fact long ago though. :) thank you for caring to reiterate the obvious just the same! <3
added on the 2005-04-02 18:03:36 by psenough psenough
ps, I'm still wondering why you dwell on "cheesy trance" so much, and I don't know - don't you see that my first post in nosfe's "i quit" thread is motivated by exactly this kind of behaviour? Take a look at the most celebrated demos and intros of the last 5 years, and how many "cheesy trance" productions are there? And how many IDM productions, in contrast? Or how many big beat productions? You are so open minded that you loop around to close-mindedness again, because what you ask from others, namely to appreciate the effort of productions they don't like and respect them - YOU don't feel like doing at all. You'd rather dismiss the productions you don't like as worthless, cause there are already enough people who like them, or whatever.

You should stop for a minute and examine very closely if you extend the same respect to those productions that you expect from everyone else for noise. The way you've been talking so far in this thread makes you look like a giant hypocrite.
added on the 2005-04-02 18:05:50 by wayfinder wayfinder
i wouldnt have had to if you had just understood it the first time...

i think i understand why you need 16minutes of noise in a democompo.. to understand.. its noise..
added on the 2005-04-02 18:05:52 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
respect 2 domin8r
added on the 2005-04-02 18:11:53 by calimero calimero
ps and nosfe have clearly introduced the innovative art form of a new millennium. i'm already working on a 45 minute piece of noise, which i call "the alpha and omega of everything and the universe too" that can be regarded as trend-setting and enlightening alike! see, our world is full of informational peace, obvious truth and harmonic clear signals, we need more noise and chaos to compensate! i dont see why we need shapes and contrast anyway!

they must be on the right way, after all it only takes a few minutes to create 120 hours of noise, if that isnt the peak of efficiency i dont know! i'll create 12 epics of 90 minute noise per week and release it on archive.org under the creative commons license! visual dadaism! the end of sense as we know it! like a phoenix from the ashes we ... i'm sorry i'm just too overwhelmed by my incredible visionary powers. i must jack off immediately.
added on the 2005-04-02 18:19:18 by paniq paniq
wayf: it usually takes a happy person to get in the mood of the cheesy trance. im not a happy person by default as you must have noticed. i do have some issues against the genre, not all of it, mostly the huge amount of tracks that derive from it that are plain too tacky and rehash of formulas for me to be able to enjoy them. that beeing said, yes there is good trance, and no you shouldnt assume that i hate all forms of it just because i mentioned cheesy trance on the list of genres that i hate seeing proliferating jollyfully amongst the scene. my apologies if i have offended you. <3 i understand how i might have sounded hypocrit with the openmindedness speech followed by a "im sick to death of trance". i do try to enjoy it, i just usually fail when faced upon same loops and sequences already digested 500 times.

stefan: dude, i delivered my 18minutes noise intro to bp outside the compo. i asked ryg thrice if he was sure he wanted to play it, that he should atleast _warn_ people because i knew it wouldnt be easily digested by the majority. will you stop with the rising skewed unfounded arguments already?
added on the 2005-04-02 18:26:49 by psenough psenough
paniq: you rule hardcore man!!1
added on the 2005-04-02 18:28:21 by psenough psenough
paniq and the others. the point is not wether you like something or not, but wether if something is allowed to exist even though you might not like it.
please, try to get that into your small little heads.

if you seriously cannot accept difference from what _you_ think is "good", then there's something wrong with _you_.

anyway, i've really grown tired of this thread.
added on the 2005-04-02 18:54:17 by nosfe nosfe
looking forward to seeing "the alpha and omega of everything and the universe too" on the bigscreen next year.
added on the 2005-04-02 19:00:26 by scythoior scythoior
nosfe. the point is not wether if something is allowed to exist even though we might not like it, but wether we like something or not.
please, try to get that into your big giant head.
added on the 2005-04-02 19:04:28 by paniq paniq
well it's quite clear that you hate the stuff i do, so what there is to discuss about that?
added on the 2005-04-02 19:17:17 by nosfe nosfe
noise equals dada!
added on the 2005-04-02 19:18:46 by el mal el mal
i want to know why you are wasting your talent. is it the booze?
added on the 2005-04-02 19:19:34 by paniq paniq
ah, he aint retarded after all, just quick replying to add fuel to the fire before bothering to read and understand the arguments. you go girl! you show'em!
added on the 2005-04-02 19:20:06 by psenough psenough
kill all them artfaggot whinnos! kill them with a spoon!
added on the 2005-04-02 19:21:03 by psenough psenough
wait, you're beeing illogical now man, i thought we had already established nosfe had no talent. how can he be wasting something he doesnt have?
added on the 2005-04-02 19:22:01 by psenough psenough
ps, this is fucking pouet afterall, it would be too much to ask people to read posts before they write their shit.
added on the 2005-04-02 19:32:22 by nosfe nosfe
nosfe: yeh, this thread is starting to miss some pictures of bass me thinks.
added on the 2005-04-02 19:37:54 by psenough psenough
what is bass?
added on the 2005-04-02 19:43:56 by uncle-x uncle-x
a music group @ the breakpoint2k5 ? (guessed using the poll on scene.org :s)
added on the 2005-04-02 19:45:42 by SilkCut SilkCut
added on the 2005-04-03 05:34:04 by Exin Exin
Best Pouet-Thread i have read >:-)


Dominator:... i can clearly notice that nowadays AUTHORS have become LESS IMPORTANT THAN party VISITORS. too many parties are ADJUSTING and DELETING and CENSORING WORK, just to make it more jolly good to VISITORS and SPONSORS, to make sure next time MONEY will flow again, to BUY more drinks and to BUY more food and to BUY some of those advertised hardware and become that tiny part of all-round SPECTACLE someone dares to call life... the TIME and ENERGY spent by hundreds of people has become only the FLESH FOR THE BEAST, preselected by it's amount of callories - never too much fat and always carefully blended for satisfaction guaranteed.

Thats sooooo much wisdom in this Words!!! Everybody have to think about it twice, threefold, fourfold... and damn: hold this danger in your mind to all eternity. Especially Organizers!!! >;-D

Imho eg. Assembly have crossed this border a long time ago. They suck. TP have themselves destroyed with it (=historically fact) and for BP its not to late.

My conviction: its a fucking duty of the Orgas and ALONE in theirs responsibility to steer the stuff against the envolvement Domin8ter says.

And eat this: even contra what a Survey or the majority is thereto mean >:-D

Yes, if you have the balls for this, you have it (or not and in long term you dig your own grave hähähä). Well, dear Pouet-Reader: is this attitude for you NAZI??? Then you dont get the point...... >:-D

@SirTruck: right... ;-D
@kb: you know your fault and maybe additionally what im bubble about. And you proof it with opening this thread. Respects for this.
@Nosfe and Domin8tor: im sorry, but although this time i dont like your prods ;-)
@the other nerds in this thread: your personal and/or spiritual complex is not the point and uninteresting. JUST DO IT! For manual ---> SirTrucks post... >:-D
added on the 2005-04-03 06:08:44 by Drago_VOZ Drago_VOZ
truth is: you and nosfe, your stuff is worthless - and again, it wouldn't deserve any comments. but although i should have learned better, i can't hold it this time: the people who made this obviously lack the slightest idea of composition in every single dimension being used or missused. and the "nice interpretation" is: you don't have the slightest talent. you should better stop doing this, it's annoying.

BB Image
added on the 2005-04-03 08:19:38 by uns3en_ uns3en_
